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Update 802

Fixes for the "Static item list" editor in form fields, a change to make sure tasks indexed in the search collection are deleted, and an update to the HikariCP database connection pool library.

Dynamic iCM4J 12.8.3

Changes to the top navigation menus, modifiers on the carousels and improved intro text styling.

Data Exporter 2.0.1

Performance improvements and a fix for ordering.

Bookings 1.7.0

Search performance improvements and various fixes.

Assisted Service iCM.NET 11.7.0

A fix for the assisting behaviour if your authentication session times out.

Update 801

A single fix for the article exporter to include articles that are scheduled "off".

Update 800

Additional CSS modifiers for form fields, new blockly blocks to remove actions, and fixes for confirmation messages, file uploads and completing tasks in sub-processes.

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