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Page Structure

Each page on the site has a header, footer and main content area.

The left and right columns will be used by some templates to display additional content, like the main navigation and related asset panels. Certain templates, like Home, will exclude some elements.

Chill Page Structure

The main content areas of the theme are:


  1. Site Logo
  2. Top Utilities Menu
  3. Site Search
  4. Site Alert Message
  5. Top Level Menu

Left Column

  1. Side Menu

Main Content

  1. Breadcrumb Trail
  2. Page Title (with optional icon)
  3. Page Introduction and Main Content
  4. Last Modified
  5. Page Utilities Menu

Right Column

  1. Asset Panels


  1. Link Icons
  2. Footer Logos
  3. Bottom Utilities Menu
  4. Copyright Information
Last modified on June 27, 2023

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