These settings are specific to the theme. All of the core site features are described in the Subsite Configuration - Framework Features article.
Top Level Menu
The type and style of the top level menu.
Field | Label | Options | Description |
CHILLTOPMENUSETTING | Setting | Off, On (Children of Home), On (Selected Articles) | Turns the top menu on/off. Reveals the CHILLTOPMENUARTICLES field if "On (Selected Articles)" is chosen |
CHILLTOPMENUSTYLE | Style | Standard, Extended | The standard menu displays a row of article links. The extended menu displays articles as tabs and their child/grandchild articles |
CHILLTOPMENUARTICLES | Articles | n/a | Pick the articles that will appear in the menu is "On (Selected Articles) " is chosen above |
Left Navigation Menu
The type and style of the left navigation menu.
Field | Label | Options | Description |
CHILLLEFTMENU | Left Menu | Compact, Full Menu | Switches between the full and compact versions of the menu |
CHILLNAVDIPLAYPARENTSIBLINGS | Display Parent Siblings | Yes, No | Whether the siblings of the parents of the current article should appear in the menu |
The position of the breadcrumb.
Field | Label | Options | Description |
CHILLBREADCRUMB | Display | Full width, Narrow, in-page | Whether the breadcrumb appears full width directly below the header, or inset above the page title |
Theme Articles
The selected articles provide content for elements in the page structure.
Field | Label | Description |
CHILLSITEALERTARTICLEID | Site alert article | This article provides content for the site alert |
CHILLTOPUTILITIESARTICLEID | Top utilities article | This article is usually turned off. It's child articles are output in the top utilities menu |
CHILLFOOTERUTILITIESARTICLEID | Bottom utilities article | This article is usually turned off. It's child articles are output in the bottom utilities menu |
Footer Logos and Icons
The selected images are output in the footer
Field | Label | Description |
CHILLFOOTERLOGOS | Footer logos | Images stacked vertically in the footer. The images may have article or external links related to them |
CHILLSOCIALICONS | Footer social media icons | Images output horizontally in the footer. The images may have article or external links related to them |
Metadata Styles
Values from the selected metadata property can be related to articles. They will be output as CSS classes in the relevant page elements to be styled by the site's CSS.
Field | Label | Description |
CHILLMENUSTYLEMODIFIERPROPERTYID | Menu style property ID | Pick a metadata property that contains values/CSS classes |
Last modified on 18 September 2024