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Main Page Content

The central column displays the main page content, as entered into iCM. This includes text, images, inline links and other embedded content.


The breadcrumb trail shows the position of the current article in the navigation tree of the site. Each page title in the trail acts as a link to a direct ancestor of the current article.

The link text for each entry in the breadcrumb is the best link text of the target article. The breadcrumb can either appear full width, directly below the top level menu (and site alert), or inset in the page content, above the article title. This is controlled by the "Breadcrumb display" option in the subsite configuration.

Note: The breadcrumb trail will be displayed on all pages except for those that use the Home Template, where the article extras will determine whether it appears or not. The current article does not appear in the breadcrumb.

Page Title

Chill Page Title

Beneath the breadcrumb is the title of the current page. The icon next to the title is inherited from the top-level article that the current page is located beneath. Where a top-level article is found, the icon is the first related media item of the "icon" type. Top-level articles are those articles that appear as blocks on the site's homepage.

The colour of the underline is set, and may be inherited, using metadata values as described in the Side Menu article.

Text and Body Content

Beneath the title is the page's introductory and body text with its inline content. The article's introductory text appears immediately beneath the title in a bold font, larger than the standard body text. If an image has been related to the article, it appears to the left of the body text.

Template Specific Content

Template specific content, like forms, search boxes, or login controls, is generally displayed beneath the body text. The sections describing each template give further details.

Page Utilities

Page Utilities

At the bottom of each page, below the main content (yet not part of the footer) are the page utilities.

The utilities include social media share icons, a link to "email this page" and a print icon.

The "email this page" link is a "mailto" link which opens the user's default email program. The print icon triggers the browser's "print" method. Only the actual page content is printed, items like the header, footer and left navigation are excluded.

Last modified on 18 September 2024

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