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Collection Days

Once a property has been selected, staff and public users can see information about the types of waste collected, the collection frequencies, and the dates of the previous and next collections.

Public View

Waste collection dates are only shown where there is a collection stored in the provider's system. For example, if a property does not have a garden waste subscription, no garden waste collection dates will be displayed.

Collection Details - Public

Staff View

The staff view shows more detailed information than the public forms, including the round names, a count of specific bin types and the status of the last collection of a given type.

Collection Details - Staff

Address Rounds Schema

Full technical information about the End Points and schema used for address rounds can be found in the Waste Services Specification document.


Parameter NameDescriptionRequiredType
UPRNThe UPRN of the selected propertyYesString


Parameter NameProperty NameDescriptionRequiredType
Success Whether the API call was successfulYesBoolean
selectedAddress The address for the supplied UPRN.YesObject
UprnThe UPRN of the property String
UsrnUniversal street reference number String
parentUPRNUPRN of the parent address if it exists String
fullAddressThe full address formatted on one line String
addressRounds An array of address rounds. Properties as follows:YesArray of objects
UprnThe UPRN of the property String
roundIdThe ID/name of the round from the provider String
TypeType of waste i.e. "Food", "Refuse" String
FrequencyThe frequency of the collection, i.e. "7 days" String
previousCollectionDateThe last collection date Date
nextCollectionDateThe next collection date Date
roundEndDateThe expiry date of the address round Date
missSRThe status of the last missed report, if any String
inServiceBinsIs there a bin in service? Boolean
EventsAn array of event objects Obj Array
StatusThe status of the round/bins, i.e. "IN SERVICE" String
showCollections Have more than 1 results been returned?YesBoolean
Last modified on 8 August 2018

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