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Request New or Replacement Bins

Once a user has found their property they can request new or replacement containers for the types of waste that are collected.

Available Containers

Users are presented with a checkbox list of the types of container they can order. The list reflects the options returned from the provider.

New or Replacement Containers

Available Containers Schema

Responsible for retrieving the new and replacement bins the property is eligible for. Full technical information about the End Points and schema used for containers can be found in the Waste Services Specification document.


Parameter NameDescriptionRequiredType
UPRNThe UPRN of the selected propertyYesString


Parameter nameProperty NameDescriptionRequiredType
Success Whether the API call was successfulYesBoolean
selectedAddress The address for the selected property.YesObject
UprnThe UPRN of the property String
UsrnUniversal street reference number String
parentUPRNThe UPRN for the parent property if it has one String
fullAddressThe full address formatted for one line String
optionGroupNewBinsArray of new bins to offer to the user, formatted as a checkbox group:YesArray
Waste type, i.e. "Food" String
Full bin name, i.e. "Food - 23L Caddy. There is no charge for this container" String
Empty String
optionGroupReplacementBinsArray of replacement bins to offer to the user, formatted as a checkbox group:YesArray
Waste type, i.e. "Food" String
Full bin name, i.e. "Food - 23L Caddy. There is no charge for this container" String
Empty String

Payment and Ordering

Once users have made a selection they are typically presented with a summary and inputs to enter their contact details. This part of the process is handled entirely by our platform and can include redirection to any of the standard supported payment providers.

Once payment has been confirmed (or if no charge was required) the order can be placed.

Order Schema

Responsible for returning the full information associated with the bins selected as new or replacement containers. Full technical information about the End Points and schema used for ordering containers can be found in the Waste Services Specification document.


Parameter nameDescriptionRequiredType
Uprn YesString
selectedNewBinsArray of bin IDs, indicating the user's selection of new bins to orderNoString Array
selectedReplacementBinsArray of bin IDs, indicating the user's selection of replacement bins to orderNoString Array


Parameter nameProperty NameDescriptionRequiredType
Success Whether the API call was successfulYesBoolean
Bins Array of objects, indicating all bins that were orderedYesObj Array
IdThe ID of the bin, from the perspective of the provider String
wasteTypei.e. "Food", "Recycling" String
SizeDescriptive size of the bin, i.e. "240L" String
binTypei.e. "Caddy", "Sack" String
chargeType"New" or "Replacement" String
ChargeHow much the bin costs Float
Total Total cost for all binsYesFloat

Start Workflow

Once a user has request a new or replacement bin a workflow starts which creates a service request in the provider's system. Typically notification emails are also sent and records are added to a report history. 

Last modified on 8 August 2018

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