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Subscribe to Garden Waste Services

Garden waste collections are typically paid-for services subscribed to on an annual basis. Users are able to check their current subscription and sign up for this or the following year.

Subscription Information

Once a user has looked up an address, they'll see a number of options depending on whether the property is eligible for the service and whether or not a previous subscription exists.

If a property has a subscription, its details are displayed. A configurable cut-off date is set in the configuration to determine if which subscriptions are "previous" or "current".

Garden Waste Subscriptions

Garden Waste Schema

Responsible for returning the previous and next garden waste subscriptions. Full technical information about the End Points and schema used for subscriptions can be found in the Waste Services Specification document.


Parameter NameDescriptionRequiredType
UPRNThe UPRN of the selected propertyYesString


Parameter nameProperty NameDescriptionRequiredType
Success Whether the API call was successfulYesBoolean
binCharge The charge for a single garden waste binYesFloat
selectedAddress The address for the selected propertyYesObject
 UprnThe UPRN of the property String
 UsrnUniversal street reference number String
 fullAddressFull address, formatted on one line String
lastSubscription The previous year's subscription. If one doesn't exist, it will use default valuesYesObject
ReferenceA property attribute from the provider: "Reference Number" String
subscriptionYearThe starting year for the subscription Integer
numBinsHow many bins are on the subscription Integer
UprnThe UPRN of the property String
yearlyChargeDEPRECATED - the charge is per bin Float
yearStartDateThe (formatted) starting date for the subscription String
yearEndDateThe (formatted) end date for the subscription String
reminderDateNOT USED. String
sacksPropertyIs the property in receipt of garden waste sacks? Boolean
nextSubscription The next year's subscription. If one doesn't exist, it will use default valuesYesObject
ReferenceA property attribute from the provider: "Reference Number" String
subscriptionYearThe starting year for the subscription Integer
numBinsHow many bins are on the subscription Integer
UprnThe UPRN of the property String
yearlyChargeDEPRECATED - the charge is per bin Float
yearStartDateThe (formatted) starting date for the subscription String
yearEndDateThe (formatted) end date for the subscription String
reminderDateNOT USED. String
sacksPropertyIs the property in receipt of garden waste sacks? Boolean

Subscribing to Garden Waste Services

Purchase Garden Bins

Once users have made a selection they are typically presented with a summary and inputs to enter their contact details. This part of the process is handled entirely by our platform and can include redirection to any of the standard supported payment providers.

Once payment has been confirmed a workflow starts which creates a service request in the provider's system. Typically notification emails are also sent and records are added to a report history.

Last modified on August 08, 2018

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