Bookings and events can be managed using the Self Service and User Request templates. Self Service is used by staff (or other registered users if you are using Contribute) to manage events. User Requests is used by bookers to manage the bookings they've made.
Self Service for Staff to Manage Bookings
We recommend creating an article using the Self Service template that your staff members can use to manage events and bookings. The template should be set to show the "thinginstancev1" process model. This allows users to update an event, see and contact the bookers, manage the available packages, and to cancel or manually flag the event as complete.
There's more information about these activities in the Managing Existing Events section.
Self Service for Staff using Contribute Event
If you create an event via the contribute event form rather than directly in iCM (see Creating Events via your Website), each event article also has an accompanying contribute workflow process. Each event article created via contribute has five associated workflow tasks which let you update, copy, archive, schedule, and update any defaulted values set when the event was first created. The template should be set to show the "contributearticlev1" process model.
User Requests for Bookers
Your public site probably already has a "My Account" area and an article using the User Requests template. The template should bet set up to display the "bookingv1" process model. This lets users keep track of their bookings as well as update the name and email address the booking is made in.
My Booking Overview
The booking overview displays the user's current bookings, which they are able to manage, and a list of bookings for previous events.
Each booking displays the names, dates and times of events that have been booked by the user. If an event has been booked, but not paid for, a "Take Payment" link is displayed. Following this link takes the user to the "Paying for Bookings" view. If a booking has been paid for, a link to the "Booking Details" view is displayed.
Bookings that haven't been paid for
A timeout can be configured so that tickets not paid for are removed from the user's current bookings and returned to the total available tickets (for other users to book). The length of this timeout is set in the Bookings configuration end point.
Booking Details
Clicking on an active booking that has already been paid for, or a booking that was free, takes the user to the "Booking Details" view. This form displays a summary of the user's booking, including the booking reference, payment reference, date, time and location.
Update or Cancel your Booking

The booking details form also allows the user to update the name that the booking has been made in, and supply a new email address.
It also gives them the option to cancel if an event was marked as cancellable when it was created (see Creating and Scheduling Event Occurrences). Note that Bookings has no built-in way to handle refunds for cancelled bookings, but you can use the Data Exporter to generate an Export of Cancelled Bookings.