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Email and Message Templates

Room Bookings uses the following templates for emails and the messages that are displayed in the various forms.

Archive Notification

If a room is archived any existing (future) bookings will receive this email.

<p>Hi {{name}},</p>
<p>The room {{roomName}} has been closed which means your booking(s) below will no longer be possible.</p>
<p>{{#each bookings}}
{{date}} {{times}}<br />
<p>Room Admin</p>

Free Bookings

If a room doesn't require payment, the following templates are used, found in the "Booking" set.

VariantExample ValueUsage

<p>Hi {{firstName}},</p>
<p>Your booking on {{date}} between {{startTime}} and {{endTime}} has been cancelled.
<p>Regards<br />
Room bookings</p>

Sent to a user when their booking is cancelled

<p>Dear {{firstName}},</p>
<p>This is confirmation of your booking. Please check the details below are correct, if necessary you can <a href="{{slotBookUrl}}?action=performtask&bk={{businessKey}}&returnUrl={{returnUrl}}">manage your booking</a> by logging into your account.</p>
<p><strong>Booking title:</strong> {{additionalComms.meetingTitle}}
<br /><strong>Room:</strong> {{}}
<br /><strong>Building:</strong> {{additionalComms.building}}
<br /><strong>Floor:</strong> {{additionalComms.floor}}
<br />{{#if additionalComms.occurrences}}<strong>First occurrence:</strong> {{additionalComms.firstDate}}{{else}}<strong>Date:</strong> {{date}}{{/if}}
<br /><strong>Start time:</strong> {{startTime}}
<br /><strong>End time:</strong> {{endTime}}
{{#if additionalComms.occurrences}}<br /><strong>Occurrences:</strong> {{additionalComms.occurrences}}{{/if}}</p>
<p>A reminder email will be sent ahead of your appointment.</p>
<p>Regards,<br />Room Booking Team</p>

Sent to a user when their booking is created

<p>Dear {{firstName}},</p>
<p>This is reminder of your booking. You can <a href="{{slotBookUrl}}?action=performtask&bk={{businessKey}}&returnUrl={{returnUrl}}">manage your booking</a> by logging into your account.</p>
<p><strong>Booking title:</strong> {{additionalComms.meetingTitle}}
<br /><strong>Room:</strong> {{}}
<br /><strong>Building:</strong> {{additionalComms.building}}
<br /><strong>Floor:</strong> {{additionalComms.floor}}
<br /><strong>Date:</strong> {{date}}
<br /><strong>Start time:</strong> {{startTime}}
<br /><strong>End time:</strong> {{endTime}}
<p>Regards,<br />Room Booking Team</p>

Sent to the booker before their booking. The time period between the booking and the reminder being sent is the emailReminderDelay value in the Core Slot Bookings Settings

Chargeable Bookings

If rooms require payment they use the "Commercial" set of templates.

VariantExample ValueUsage
Approval Required

<p>Dear {{firstName}},</p>
<p>This is confirmation of your reservation. We have forwarded your request to the service, who will review and come to a decision. This can take up to <strong>{{additionalComms.approvalGracePeriod.value}} {{additionalComms.approvalGracePeriod.units}}</strong>. If payment is required for this booking, we will contact you.</p> 
<p>Please check the details below are correct, if necessary you can <a href="{{slotBookUrl}}?action=performtask&bk={{businessKey}}&returnUrl={{returnUrl}}">manage your booking</a>.</p>
<p><strong>Booking title:</strong> {{additionalComms.meetingTitle}}
<br /><strong>Room:</strong> {{}}
<br /><strong>Building:</strong> {{additionalComms.building}}
<br /><strong>Floor:</strong> {{additionalComms.floor}}
<br />{{#if additionalComms.occurrences}}<strong>First occurrence:</strong> {{additionalComms.firstDate}}{{else}}<strong>Date:</strong> {{date}}{{/if}}
<br /><strong>Start time:</strong> {{startTime}}
<br /><strong>End time:</strong> {{endTime}}
{{#if additionalComms.occurrences}}<br /><strong>Occurrences:</strong> {{additionalComms.occurrences}}{{/if}}</p>
<p>A reminder email will be sent ahead of your appointment.</p>
<p>Regards,<br />Room Booking Team</p>

Sent to the booker when their booking requires approval
Approved Room<p>Dear {{firstName}},</p>
<p>Your room booking has been approved by the service.</p>
<p><strong>Booking title:</strong> {{meetingTitle}}
<br /><strong>Room:</strong> {{}}
<br /><strong>Building:</strong> {{location.building}}
<br /><strong>Floor:</strong> {{location.floor}}
<br />{{#if occurrences}}<strong>First occurrence:</strong> {{firstDate}}{{else}}<strong>Date:</strong> {{date}}{{/if}}
<br /><strong>Start time:</strong> {{startTime}}
<br /><strong>End time:</strong> {{endTime}}
{{#if occurrences}}<br /><strong>Occurrences:</strong> {{occurrences}}{{/if}}
Sent to the booker after approval to confirm their booking when no payment is required in advance (either because the room as zero cost, or there will be payment on the day)
Booking Attended

<p>Dear {{name}},</p>
<p>Follow up email for your booking {{businessKey}}
<p><strong>Booking title:</strong> {{meetingTitle}}
<br /><strong>Room:</strong> {{room}}
<br /><strong>Building:</strong> {{building}}
<br /><strong>Floor:</strong> {{floor}}
<br /><strong>Date:</strong> {{date}}
<br /><strong>Start time:</strong> {{startTime}}
<br /><strong>End time:</strong> {{endTime}}
<p>Regards,<br />Room Booking Team</p>

Sent to the booker once the room admin marks their booking as attended
Cancel<p>Hi {{firstName}},</p>
<p>Your booking on {{date}} between {{startTime}} and {{endTime}} has been cancelled.
<p>Regards<br />
Room bookings</p>
Sent to a user when their booking is cancelled
Create<p>Dear {{firstName}},</p>
<p>This is confirmation of your booking. Please check the details below are correct, if necessary you can <a href="{{slotBookUrl}}?action=performtask&bk={{businessKey}}&returnUrl={{returnUrl}}">manage your booking</a> by logging into your account.</p>
<p><strong>Booking title:</strong> {{additionalComms.meetingTitle}}
<br /><strong>Room:</strong> {{}}
<br /><strong>Building:</strong> {{additionalComms.building}}
<br /><strong>Floor:</strong> {{additionalComms.floor}}
<br />{{#if additionalComms.occurrences}}<strong>First occurrence:</strong> {{additionalComms.firstDate}}{{else}}<strong>Date:</strong> {{date}}{{/if}}
<br /><strong>Start time:</strong> {{startTime}}
<br /><strong>End time:</strong> {{endTime}}
{{#if additionalComms.occurrences}}<br /><strong>Occurrences:</strong> {{additionalComms.occurrences}}{{/if}}</p>
<p>A reminder email will be sent ahead of your appointment.</p>
<p>Regards,<br />Room Booking Team</p>
Sent to a user when their booking is created
Payment Required

<p>Dear {{firstName}},</p>
<p>Your room booking has been approved by the service. Please <a href="{{slotBookUrl}}?action=performtask&bk={{businessKey}}&returnUrl={{returnUrl}}">Make the payment</a>.</p>
<br />The cost and charges for this booking are 
<table class="icmformdatapagetable">
                <th class="fiscal">Total</th>
            {{#each this.additionalComms.charges.items}}
                    <td class="icmformdatalabel">{{this.description}}</td>
                    <td class="">
                        {{#if this.fixed}}
                             {{this.quantity}} Hours * £{{this.itemCost}}
                    <td class=" fiscal"><strong>£{{}}</strong></td> 
                <th colspan="2" class="icmformdatalabel">Total</th>
                <th class=" fiscal"><strong>£{{}}</strong></th> 
and need to be paid within within the next {{additionalComms.paymentGracePeriod.value}} {{additionalComms.paymentGracePeriod.units}} or your reservation will be cancelled.</p><br />
<p><strong>Booking title:</strong> {{additionalComms.meetingTitle}}
<br /><strong>Room:</strong> {{}}
<br /><strong>Building:</strong> {{additionalComms.building}}
<br /><strong>Floor:</strong> {{additionalComms.floor}}
<br />{{#if additionalComms.occurrences}}<strong>First occurrence:</strong> {{additionalComms.firstDate}}{{else}}<strong>Date:</strong> {{date}}{{/if}}
<br /><strong>Start time:</strong> {{startTime}}
<br /><strong>End time:</strong> {{endTime}}
{{#if additionalComms.occurrences}}<br /><strong>Occurrences:</strong> {{additionalComms.occurrences}}{{/if}}
<p>Regards,<br />Room Booking Team</p>

Sent to the booker once their booking has been approved if payment in advance is required
Reminder<p>Dear {{firstName}},</p>
<p>This is reminder of your booking. You can <a href="{{slotBookUrl}}?action=performtask&bk={{businessKey}}&returnUrl={{returnUrl}}">manage your booking</a> by logging into your account.</p>
<p><strong>Booking title:</strong> {{additionalComms.meetingTitle}}
<br /><strong>Room:</strong> {{}}
<br /><strong>Building:</strong> {{additionalComms.building}}
<br /><strong>Floor:</strong> {{additionalComms.floor}}
<br /><strong>Date:</strong> {{date}}
<br /><strong>Start time:</strong> {{startTime}}
<br /><strong>End time:</strong> {{endTime}}
<p>Regards,<br />Room Booking Team</p>
Sent to the booker before their booking. The time period between the booking and the reminder being sent is the emailReminderDelay value in the Core Slot Bookings Settings


Last modified on July 12, 2024

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