Closes an open case.
Normally a case can only be closed if there are no active tasks, unless the active task is configured as "cancelable", in which case it will be cancelled before the case is closed. However, if you use the API and only supply the business key, the case will always be closed, even if there are outstanding tasks that wouldn't normally be cancelable. If you want task limits to be respected, and cases not closed that have tasks that must be completed, you must also supply the user details of a valid case manager.
If the closure reason is not supplied or it does not match any that are pre-configured in the case, then the case default is used, as specified in the case configuration.
Required Properties | Type | Description |
caseBusinessKey | String <businessKey> | The business key of the case |
Optional Properties | Type | Description |
closureDate | String <ISO 8601 date time> | The close date (formatted YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ), will default to "now" if not set. Note that this is the date that will be recorded in the case history - the case will be closed as soon as the API is called |
closureNotes | String | A note that will be added to the case history and the close case email that gets sent to the person who raised the case |
closureReason | String | The close reason |
debug | Boolean | Default: false. Set true to return debug information ("notes") in the response message |
dryRun | Boolean | Performs a dry run |
forceClose | Boolean | If true the case will be closed even if there are outstanding tasks that cannot be cancelled |
user | Object | The siteUserId and siteUserName of a case manager with permission to close the case. If not supplied the default system user will be used, which automatically enables forceClose |
See Case Management API for a full example call.
"caseBusinessKey": "9196-8399-9049-1473",
"closureReason": "default",
"closureNotes": "This is a test",
"user": {
"siteUserId": 9,
"siteUserName": "TIMG"
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 207,
"result": {
"success": true,
"notes": ["Closure request sent to case 8895-4890-0231-7127", "Case has received closure request"]
In this case the business key didn't exist.
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 206,
"result": {
"success": false,
"errors": ["CM error: Couldn't find any active executions."]