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Contribute Event - Booking Button Override

Within the Event template it is possible to override the behaviour of the booking button, by rather than taking you to a GOSS Bookings driven solution you can override this behaviour and if required, link to a 3rd party URL instead.

However, by default currently this functionality is limited to iCM users only and not those using Contribute.

By adding this snippet and endpoint inclusion - you can add it for your Contribute Users as well.

WARNING: If you do add the configuration values to the end point - you must make sure that the form snippet is all on instances of your contribute forms using this end point. If the fields are present in the end point, but not present in your form - contribute will not work. The fields don't have to be displayed of course, but they do have to be present.

Also add the following to the mapping section of your configuration end point:

"formToArticleMapping": [{}, {
    "from": "form_BOOKING",
    "to": "Extension.BOOKING"
}, {
    "from": "form_BOOKINGREDIRECT",
    "to": "Extension.BOOKINGREDIRECT"
}, {
    "from": "form_BOOKINGURL",
    "to": "Extension.BOOKINGURL"


"articleToFormMapping": [{}, {
    "from": "Extension.BOOKING",
    "to": "form_BOOKING"
}, {
    "from": "Extension.BOOKINGREDIRECT",
    "to": "form_BOOKINGREDIRECT"
}, {
    "from": "Extension.BOOKINGURL",
    "to": "form_BOOKINGURL"

DependenciesGOSS Contribute/Events/Bookings product must be installed and licensed
ContributorsAndy Orchard
DocsContributing Events
Last modified on January 08, 2024

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