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Additional Details Tab Examples

Multipage Forms and Accordion Styling

This version adds styling to the read-only view and splits the form into multiple pages.

Multipage Forms

The first page of the form now uses navigation buttons:

Additional Details Form - Multipage

Each navigation button takes you to a different page:

Navigation Function

The navigation mode of each button has to be changed to "no actions". This stops the complete task action from being triggered (the action is still needed by the cancel button to close the view):

Navigation Mode - No Actions

The "Save changes" button from the original snippet has been removed.

The "Cancel" button has been changed from a script button to a submit button, but still has the label "Cancel". This completes the workflow task, returning you to the main view of the case. No changes are saved as none of the other pages have been visited.

Each page of the form ends with the standard "Additional Information" snippet:

Additional Page

Read-only Styling

The styling of the read-only template makes use of the site framework's standard accordion styling. Note the script at the end to initialise the accordion and the IDs of each element:

<div class="gi-accordion" data-allow-multiple="true" data-allow-toggle="true" data-allow-toggleall="true" data-start-collapsed="true" data-start-expanded="false" id="add_details">
    <div class="gi-accordion__controls">
        <button class="gi-accordion__toggleall" type="button">
            <span class="gi-accordion__toggleall-opentext">Open all<span class="accessibility"> sections</span></span>
            <span class="gi-accordion__toggleall-closetext">Close all<span class="accessibility"> sections</span></span>
    <div class="gi-accordion__panelheader">
        <button aria-controls="add_details_panel0" aria-expanded="false" class="gi-accordion__toggle" hidden="" id="add_details_toggle0" type="button">Site Details</button>
    <div aria-labelledby="add_details_toggle0" class="gi-accordion__panel gi-accordion__panel--closed" id="add_details_panel0" role="region">
        <div class="gi-accordion__panelcontent">
            <div class="icmformdata">
                <table class="icmformdatapagetable">
                            <td colspan="2" class="icmformdatacontainer">Site Details</td>
                            <td class="icmformdatalabel">Site</td>
                            <td class="icmformdatavalue">{{FIELD "SITE"}}</td>
                            <td class="icmformdatalabel">Site Manager</td>
                            <td class="icmformdatavalue">{{FIELD "SITEMANAGER"}}</td>
                            <td class="icmformdatalabel">Site Postcode</td>
                            <td class="icmformdatavalue">{{FIELD "FIELD3"}}</td>
    <div class="gi-accordion__panelheader">
        <button aria-controls="add_details_panel1" class="gi-accordion__toggle" hidden="" id="add_details_toggle1" type="button">Visit Date</button>
    <div aria-labelledby="add_details_toggle1" class="gi-accordion__panel gi-accordion__panel--closed" hidden="" id="add_details_panel1" role="region">
        <div class="gi-accordion__panelcontent">
            <div class="icmformdata">
                <table class="icmformdatapagetable">
                            <td colspan="2" class="icmformdatacontainer">Book Visit</td>
                            <td class="icmformdatalabel">Visit date</td>
                            <td class="icmformdatavalue">{{FIELD "VISITDATE"}}</td>

Last modified on April 16, 2024

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