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Making a Complaint

Complaints are made by completing a form on your website. Users would typically navigate to a service area (Housing, for example) and then complete a form to either raise a complaint or give feedback.

This article describes a typical form used to raise complaints. You can customise the form, or build your own, and plug it into Case Management following the steps in Creating New Case Types

Raising a Complaint

The form records:

  • The details of the complaint
  • Desired resolution
  • Allows any supporting documents to be uploaded

Who is Raising the Case?

Complaints cases can be raised by the current user, raised on behalf of someone else, or raised anonymously.

Who is Raising the Case


If a user is raising a case themselves they should enter their name, email address and telephone number. If they are logged into the site, these details will be loaded from their user profile.

For Someone Else

If a user is raising the case on behalf of someone else, the same fields appear as if they were raising it themselves, plus an additional field for the name of the other person. The case proceeds using the details of the person who raised the case. The "on behalf of" user is simply recorded in the case details.


A user can also choose to raise a case anonymously. If they do their name and email address are hidden from the case manager and the case manager won't be able to contact them. The user will still be able to track the case using a suitably configured Self Service or User Requests article. Any updates added to the case history by the user are logged as "Anonymous".

Note that anonymous cases are not truly anonymous. If the person raising the case was logged into your site when they made the complaint, their username is still recorded in the workflow process instance and accompanying history.

On Submit

When the form is submitted, the following happens:

  • If an email address was provided, an email is sent to the person who made the complaint. The text of this email is set in the Complaint Case Type Configuration
  • A complaint case is raised in Case Management. The case type is called "complaints"
  • Where possible, cases are categorised by type, see How Subtypes Categorise Cases for further details
  • A five (working) day SLA is assigned to the complaint. A one day reminder is also set. Initial contact should be made within this time
  • An initial status of "service request" is assigned to the complaint
Last modified on 2 July 2024

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