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Change Level of Assurance

The following details are taken from the documentation available on

A Citizen can have Level of Assurances 0, 1 or 2 where level 2 is the highest. Any Citizen that registers with MyAccount will get level of Assurance 0 by default. However Service Providers or Local Authorities can upgrade a Citizens level of Assurance to 1 or 2.

Level of Assurance 1 can be upgraded by providing KnownfactCodes and an answer of that Knownfact. Level of Assurance 2 can be upgraded by providing the list of Identity Proofs and Address Proofs verified by Service Providers or Local Authorities

There are two methods supplied for this service on for LoA1 and a second for LoA2


  • LoA1 upgrade will only be successful for account with LoA0
  • LoA2 upgrade will only be successful for account with LoA0 or LoA1



requires a UCRN, UCRN Type, a knownfactcode and a knownfactanswer 

  • knownfactcode - The ID of the Known fact Question that can be obtained from ListSupportedCodes Service.
  • knownfactanswer- The answer to the above Question provided by Citizen

NB your organisation will need to supply a selection of Known Facts to The Improvement Service to be included in the system


requires a UCRN, UCRN Type and an identityproof array with 1 or 2 values and an addressproof array with 1 or 2 values



    "ucrn": "2100000000000000193",
    "ucrntype": "P",
    "knownfactcode": "1021",
    "knownfactanswer": "12345678"
  "jsonrpc": "2.0"


    "ucrn": "2100000000000000193",
    "ucrntype": "P",
    "identityproof": ["2"],
    "addressproof": ["16","21"]
  "jsonrpc": "2.0"


No ResponseBody will be returned from either Service

Response Codes

Response  CodeResultResponse Message
0701FalseMultiple citizen found with the given UCRN. Please contact your LA
0702TrueLevel of assurance has been upgraded to level 1 successfully
0703TrueLevel of assurance has been upgraded to level 2 successfully
0710FalseGiven id of citizen proof does not exist
0712FalsePlease provide different ID proofs
0713FalsePlease provide different residence proofs
0714FalsePlease provide different ID and residence proofs
0715FalseUser with the given UCRN has already maximum level of assurance
0716FalseUser with the given UCRN has already level of assurance 1
0711FalsePlease provide a valid knownfact code
0720FalseNo record exist for the Assurance level for the given user
10006FalseIncorrect UCRN
0426FalseNo record found for the given UCRN
10003FalseA technical error has been faced. Kindly try again later.
Last modified on 27 June 2023

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