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Multipage Forms and Navigation

1. Overview

Before attempting this tutorial you should be familiar with using the forms designer, publishing forms, and relating forms to articles so that they appear on your website.

What you'll learn

Previous tutorials created single page forms. In this tutorial you'll learn how to add pages to a form and use buttons to navigate between them.

What you'll build

You'll create a form with four pages, add buttons so a user can navigate back and forwards between pages, and create a summary on the final page (a later tutorial will develop this summary into a full "check your answers" page). In this example there is only a single path through the form, there aren't any optional pages. The Multipage Forms and Branching example develops this form with optional pages.

See Multipage Form Example for the finished form.

What you'll need

  • A browser with access to iCM
  • iCM user permissions to add, edit and publish forms
  • iCM user permissions to add edit and publish articles
  • An area of your site, or development site, where you can safely publish test content
Last modified on 14 July 2022

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