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User - Create User

Creates a new site user and a login for that user with access to the zone of the current subsite.

The account user created will have a randomly generated GUID as a username. The result of the user profile data function will be saved against the account user's profile. A single login of the iCM Site User type will be added to the account, with its username set by the supplied username function. This login user will have a randomly generated password. Use the User - Set Password action to set up a user's password.


LabelDescriptionType Name
Failure MessageMessage to be displayed when an error occurs when trying to create the new userFAILUREMESSAGE
User Profile Data FunctionThe JavaScript function that is executed server-side to get the new user's profile data

function(helper, emptyProfile) {
    var userProfileData = emptyProfile;
    if (userProfileData) {
        // Set the email address
        userProfileData.EMAIL = helper.getFieldValue("EMAIL");
    return userProfileData;
User Profile Type NameName of the type definition for objects that contain a user profilePROFILETYPENAME
Success MessageThe message to display when the new user has been created successfully. Leave blank for no messageSUCCESSMESSAGE
User Name FunctionThe JavaScript function that is executed server-side to get the new user's name. This is their login username. The account username will be a GUID

function( helper) {
    return helper.getFieldValue("USERNAME");
User Name Unavailable MessageThe message to display if the supplied user name is already in useUSERNAMEUNAVAILABLEMSG
Stop Processing on ErrorIf true, and an error is encountered, further action fields on the form won't be processed. See The Form Lifecycle: Control and Action Processing for more informationSTOPPROCESSINGONERROR
DocumentationAdd documentation to your field to help explain any complex functionality to future users. You might include information on what the field does and how it relates to other fields on the form. Notes added here are only ever visible in the Forms Designer, they can be searched for, viewed and downloaded from the action panel. See Common Field Properties for an exampleDOCUMENTATION
Last modified on 11 November 2022

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