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Client Location

This hidden field will attempt to set its value as the position, in lat-long, returned by the geo-location feature of the device used to view the form. This will prompt the user to allow their location to be shared, which probably happened when you first viewed this page.

The value is available server-side to use in default functions and will be submitted with the form data (so will also be available in any emails sent etc). The Location Picker's auto-locate ability provides another option, if you want the value to be available client-side.

The example form at the bottom of this page displays your current location (if you've shared it) on page 2, using the default function of a guidance text field to query the value of the client location field on page 1.


LabelDescriptionType Name
Default LocationA default location to be used when the field is first displayed. This location will be overridden if the device's location is successfully determined. Specify the latitude followed by the longitude, separated by a comma, for example: 50.4233524,-4.0965925DEFAULTLOCATION
RefreshWhether or not to update the location whenever the form is re-renderedREFRESH
SearchableWhether this field's value should be indexed by the search (the object collection if using the database save action and/or workflow process collection if starting a workflow process).

This property is ignored if an External Type is specified for the form. In this case, the ability to search is determined by the searchable property of the type itself.
DocumentationAdd documentation to your field to help explain any complex functionality to future users. You might include information on what the field does and how it relates to other fields on the form. Notes added here are only ever visible in the Forms Designer, they can be searched for, viewed and downloaded from the action panel. See Common Field Properties for an exampleDOCUMENTATION

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