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Email and SFTP Configuration

Email Configuration

Use the Email, Name and Add buttons to build up a table of addresses the export file should be sent to. If you'd like to customise the email body text, and you have the Comms Manager installed, check the box to reveal inputs for the application, template and language you'd like to use.

Note that emails will only be sent when there is data to export. If there's no new data the email isn't sent.

SFTP Configuration

If you selected SFTP as an export type, pick your SFTP configuration from the drop-down.

SFTP Details

All of the other fields are read-only. Your SFTP details are set in the exporter's configuration end point, see Data Exporter Configuration.

Testing the Export

Checking this box will perform the export as soon as you navigate to the next page of the configuration form.

Last modified on 5 November 2024

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