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The Scheduler


You can run exports on demand, or set up daily, weekly and monthly schedules. Each export lets you pick the datasource, the file type to save the data as, and where the export should be sent or saved.

Recurring schedules export any records that have been updated since the schedule last ran. One-off exports let you pick the start and end date for the export range.

Current Schedules

The first page of the exporter lists existing schedules and lets you create a new export.

Data Export Table

This list only includes active schedules. If an export was run as a one-off, or if the final date of a schedule has passed, the export won't be listed.

User Permissions
The data exporter uses a workflow process. Your iCM user needs to be aliased to a website user that is in the DATAEXPORTER user group to be able to create schedules

Editing Schedules

Editing a schedule reloads the same form used to create them, pre-populated with the current values. All fields can be changed and the schedule re-saved.

Pausing Schedules

Pausing an export schedule removes it from the list of exports to run. Resuming a paused schedule adds it back to the list and it will run the next time its scheduled repeat is reached.

Deleting Schedules

Deleting a schedule removes it from the list and terminates its associated process instance.


The audit button displays information about the previous 50 runs of the export schedule.

Export Audit

Note that because a schedule removes itself from the list when its end date is reached, it is not currently possible to view the audit information for schedules that are no longer running.

Last modified on 5 November 2024

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