This series of articles looks at some of the platform's core templates and how they can be set up. You could create multiple articles using each template, set up in different ways, secured to different sets of users.
For example, you might want different Self Service articles for each of your staff teams, and a separate page for team leaders to get an overview of all running processes. Combining different templates, different configurations, and a well thought-out set of groups and users is a great way to personalise your site and content for the various people who'll be using it.
Login - Setting Up The Authentication Template
Your site login article uses the Authentication template. It lets you control the providers a user can use to log in, and what happens when they do.
Setting Up The My Account Template
The My Account template displays a user's profile, their saved forms, links to track any requests they have made, and a series of panels you can use to displays forms and other content.
Setting Up The User Requests Template
User Requests shows the open, in progress and completed service requests a user has made using your site. Each request shows a summary, a history, and a list of further actions. It also allows users to claim tasks and interact with processes that are assigned to them.
Setting Up The Self Service Template
The Self Service template is used by staff administrators to get a complete overview of service requests. It includes lists of current and completed requests, as well as assigned and claimable tasks.
Setting Up The Assisted Service Template
Sometimes your staff members will need to assist users in accessing services online. The Assisted Service template lets a staff member take control of a user's account, acting on their behalf.