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Approving Content

Approvals are managed via the Self Service template. The Contribute workflow process includes a task for your staff users that must be completed before content goes live on your site.

The Form Configuration used to create the content sets the user group responsible for approvals and the form they'll use to approve it. If no form or user group are set, the approval stage is skipped and content will appear as soon as it is submitted.

It's best not to use standard iCM approvals with Contribute. iCM approvals return an article back to the iCM user who created it if rejected. As content is being created by website users, we've developed these workflow-based approvals instead.

Approval Form

The standard approval form displays a "check your answers" style view of the content. From here the content can be edited. Once you are happy with the content, you can choose whether to approve or reject it. Approving the content will create the article in iCM and cause it to appear on your site.

Approving Content

When a submission is approved the relevant article and media items are created in iCM and will appear on your site. If update tasks have been configured in the Form Configuration these will now appear for the user who submitted the content.

No articles or media items are created in iCM until the approval process is complete. The Contribute form submission, including file uploads, are held in the workflow engine and file store until approved.

Rejecting Content

If content is not approved, the staff member carrying out the approval is able to pass the submission back to the original user. They can also add comments. The original user can then make changes and resubmit. The user is given an "Update" task in the workflow and can see the comments in a read-only field on the update form.

Rejected Content

Tracking Progress

Users can see the current status of an article awaiting approval from the "In Progress" section of User Requests or Self Service.

Article Awaiting Approval

Last modified on 4 January 2022

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