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User Approval Requirements

When an approval requirement is created for a specific iCM user, every article submitted by that user must be approved by the selected approvers.

User specific approval requirements must be completed before any group or article requirements are invoked.

To create a user requirement click "Create a user requirement" in the actions panel. To edit an existing requirement, double-click on it. You can delete a requirement by right-clicking and selecting "Delete approval requirement".

Creating and Editing User Requirements

Use the "Select" button to pick the user who will be subject to this requirement.

Next use the "Select" button to pick the groups and users who will form the approval chain for articles submitted by this user.

If you press the select button you'll see a list of all of the groups and users in iCM. Current approvers are highlighted. Double-clicking on users or groups in this list is a quick way to add or remove them from the approver list. There's also a search.

Once you've added groups and users to the approver list you can change the order of the approval chain using the "Move up " and "Move down" arrows.

The approver list works from top to bottom, with those at the top of the list approving the article first, passing it on to the user or group directly below them. There's no upper limit to the length of this list.


In this example, when the user BENG submits an article, it will first have to be approved by any one user who is a member of the CONTENT ONLY group. Once it has been approved by someone in that group, it will then have to be approved by a single user called ADMIN. Once approved the article will be published to the live website.

Approval Requirements - User

Take care when creating chains of users. What do you think will be the result of this approval requirement?

Approval Chain

You might think it means that when BENG submits an article, one of the users in the list should approve it. It doesn't! When BENG submits an article, ADMIN will have to approve it, then RICHB, then TIMGH, and only then will it go live on the site. If you'd like to create a requirement where any one of those users could approve the content, they should be placed in a group, and that group added as the sole approver.

Things to Consider

User and group approvals do not look for duplications. If an approver appears twice in an approval chain, once as an individual user approval and again as a member of a group approval, the approver will need to approve the same article twice (assuming someone else in the group doesn't get to it first).

iCM users required to approve content must have the "Article Approvals" iCM Privilege and have at least "view access" to the article they need to approve.

Last modified on 8 December 2022

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