A subsite's properties include its name, URL, zone, metrics and IP restrictions.

Site Name
This is the unique case-sensitive name that identifies the subsite. The name will be used for the iCM group and user used by this subsite and its content roots.
Site Description
This is a small description of the subsite and is used for identification purposes only.
Subsite Zone
The zone this subsite is in. Zones are used to define which users have access to this site. You can change a subsite's zone using the "Select" button. If you change a subsite to another zone, and the original zone has users associated with it, iCM will warn you that those users may lose access to the subsite (they will lose access if they don't have access to the target zone).
Site Type
This is the technology used to implement templates within the site.
WYSIWYG Markers Inserted By
This option is only relevant to ColdFusion sites. Java and .NET sites will always use "Template"
Site URL
The URL that will be used to access the subsite. This URL must not be the same as the URL for the enterprise iCM set in iCM's Autoconfig. There is no need to include the trailing '/'.
The URL that will be used to access the iCM. This URL must not be the same as the URL for the enterprise iCM set in iCM's Autoconfig. There is no need to include a trailing '/'.
URL Protocols
Both the site and iCM URL fields let you choose whether they can be accessed over either http or https, or only https. We strongly recommend all sites and iCM access only allow https connections.
IP Rules
Tick the checkbox to enable IP rule checking. If this box is unticked neither the subsite nor enterprise level IP rules will be applied to either the website or iCM (so anyone will be able to access the site and iCM).
These rules set which IP addresses will be able to access this subsite and/or log into iCM using this subsite URL. If no rules are entered the subsite will use the enterprise level rules defined in the iCM Settings IP Rules. The first rule that matches a user's IP address will determine whether the request is successful or not. If the IP doesn't match any rules in these subsite settings, the enterprise rules are checked.
When entering a rule you'll be prompted to enter the IP address, either IPV4 or IPV6, and a netmask. If you are entering a single IPV4 address the netmask will generally be /32. For more information about ranges and netmasking, this documentation from Cisco has a thorough explanation, https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/support/docs/ip/routing-information-protocol-rip/13788-3.html (opens new window)
When you upgrade to iCM from an earlier release, existing subsites automatically have final "reject all" rules added to them to maintain previous behaviour. If you'd like a subsite to also use the enterprise rules, you'll have to remove these rejects. New subsites created in an up to date don't have any rules.
iCM Rules
IP rules do not prevent users from accessing the subsite's iCM login screen. Rather, when a user attempts to log in, their current IP address is checked against the rules, and their login will either be blocked or allowed to proceed.
Remember that iCM subsites can be set as "isolated" or "co-operative". Co-operative subsites allow the iCM content in one subsite to be accessed and edited on the URL of another.
Website Rules
The site frameworks query the IP rules set here to determine access to the front-end site following the same logic outlined above.
This rule would allow local connections and reject any other IP address:

Inverting the rules would reject all connections even though an IP address is allowed later in the list:

Logical Flow
- Attempt to access a subsite or subsite iCM login
- Are subsite IP rules enabled? No - allow access. Yes - check the rules
- If the IP address matches a subsite rule, allow or reject as appropriate
- If no subsite rules match, check the enterprise level rules
- Attempt to access the iCM enterprise URL, or exhaust all of the subsite rules
- Check the rules set in the iCM configuration
- Allow or reject based upon the first rule that matches my IP
- If all rules are checked and no match is found, the request will be rejected
Enable Website Metrics
The checkbox will enable the Website Metrics tab in the iCM article editor. If details are not entered here, those set in the main "iCM settings" section will be used.
Note that this setting does not need to be enabled to add Google Analytics to your site (that's added on the Subsite Configuration tab), it is used to display data from Google Analytics in iCM. See Website Metrics for further information.
Home Page Template
When creating a new subsite, choose the template you would like the homepage to use. This can be changed later by editing the homepage article.