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Event and Event Booking History Records

History records are created when an event is scheduled and for each booking that's made. They follow our standard History Conventions and also write labelc "reporting" histories which don't contain any personal information, so can be saved for longer term storage and reporting.

For an overview of all of the data collected by our standard products, see Core Product Data Storage

Event Occurrence Histories

When an event is scheduled, the following history is written for each occurrence (ie each date/time the event takes place).

This history isn't designed to provide data for reporting or dashboards.

    "labela": "ThingInstance v1",
    "labelb": "7774-4686-5534-8743",
    "labelc": null,
    "labeld": null,
    "labele": null,
    "created": 1665135169610,
    "lastupdated": 1665135169610,
    "sealed": false,
    "subject": {
        "processDefinitionId": "thinginstancev1:21:29635117",
        "description": "Tim's event : 11/11/2022 12:00 - 14:00",
        "proxyUserId": null,
        "userId": "TIMG",
        "processDefinitionKey": "thinginstancev1"
    "events": [{
        "pos": [1, 1],
        "event": {
            "private": false,
            "description": "Process Started",
            "proxyUserId": null,
            "formData": {
                "data": {
                    "LOCATIONID": "1798",
                    "LOCATION": "Use Default Address",
                    "MAXPURCHASE": "",
                    "CANCELLATIONVARIATION": "",
                    "GOVPAYCODE": "",
                    "MINCAPACITY": "1",
                    "BOOKINGEMAILVARIATION": "Not Default",
                    "CIVICAFUNDCODE": "",
                    "FUNDCODE": "",
                    "PAYMENTCONFIRMATIONVARIATION": "Also Not Default",
                    "CONTACTVALIDATION": "email",
                    "NOTESNOTIFYEMAIL": "",
                    "CIVICACATALOGUECODE": "",
                    "NOTIFY": "N",
                    "NOTIFYEMAIL": "",
                    "ALLOWNOTES": "",
                    "BASKET": "",
                    "STARTDATETIME": "2022-11-11T12:00:00.000Z",
                    "ALLOWCANCELLING": "",
                    "FUNDCODEFS": "",
                    "BOOKINGTEXT": "Default",
                    "GLCODE": "1",
                    "TERMS": "",
                    "CAPTURETEL": "",
                    "REQUIREOFFLINEREF": "Yes",
                    "PLUGIN": "",
                    "MAXCAPACITY": "10",
                    "BOOKABLEID": "1798",
                    "DATA": "{\"ContactValidation\":\"email\",\"Packages\":[{\"id\":1,\"description\":\"Ticket\",\"realDescription\":\"\",\"minavailable\":1,\"maxpurchase\":null,\"maxavailable\":10,\"mandatory\":false,\"price\":0,\"availablefromnumber\":null,\"availablefromtype\":\"Always\",\"availablefromdate\":\"\",\"availabletonumber\":null,\"availabletotype\":\"Always\",\"availabletodate\":\"\",\"active\":true,\"Tickets\":[{\"id\":1,\"description\":\"Ticket\",\"quantity\":1}],\"availableto\":\"2022-11-11T14:00:00.000Z\",\"availablefrom\":\"2016-01-01T00:00:00Z\"}],\"Tickets\":[{\"id\":1,\"description\":\"Ticket\",\"maxavailable\":10,\"size\":1}]}",
                    "PLACESLEFT": "",
                    "ENDDATETIME": "2022-11-11T14:00:00.000Z"
                "formName": "CREATENEWTHINGINSTANCEV1",
                "typeName": "FORM_INSTANCEMASTERV1",
                "formDefinitionType": "FORMDEFINITIONEX"
            "event": "STARTWORKFLOW",
            "userRole": "user",
            "userId": 9

The history is not updated as bookings are made, but will include additional entries when the management form is used to update an event occurrence.

Booking Histories

Two history records are written each time a booking is made. Note that these history records are per booking, not per ticket, so purchasing five tickets in one transaction creates the same history records as purchasing a single ticket.

Primary History

The main history created by a booking has the following labels, where labelb is the booking reference number:

    "labela": "Booking v1",
    "labelb": "8180-2073-8216-0251",
    "labelc": null,
    "labeld": null,
    "labele": null

It records the background data needed for the booking, including article IDs, business key of the event instance, text for the various tokens, plus ticket and package information. It includes the booker's details in the following fields (note that many more events and fields are stored and that events are added each time someone interacts with the booking eg updating their email address):

    "formData": {
        "data": {
            "EMAIL": "",
            "NOTES": "",
            "USERID": "9",
            "EMAIL2": "",
            "NAME": "Tim's User",
            "DATA": "This is a stringified version of all of the booking data"

These fields will be repeated multiple times throughout the history as new summaries are added.

Reporting History

A reporting history is written for each booking which contains no personal data:

    "labela": "Booking v1",
    "labelb": "8180-2073-8216-0251",
    "labelc": "reporting",
    "labeld": null,
    "labele": null,
    "created": 1667209527097,
    "lastupdated": 1667209527097,
    "sealed": false,
    "subject": {
        "description": "Reporting Data"
    "events": [{
        "pos": [1, 1],
        "event": {
            "eventId": "1798",
            "locationName": "Tim's house",
            "discount": 0,
            "description": "Reporting Data",
            "instanceReference": "3073-9164-1528-7795",
            "grossPrice": 0,
            "packages": [{
                "amount": 0,
                "quantity": 1,
                "tickets": [{
                    "quantity": 1,
                    "discountPercent": 0,
                    "vatRate": 0,
                    "netPrice": 0,
                    "discountAmount": 0,
                    "grossPrice": 0,
                    "costCentre": null,
                    "expenseCode": null,
                    "vatAmount": 0,
                    "expenseCodeDescription": null,
                    "costCentreDescription": null,
                    "vatCode": null,
                    "ticketId": 35966
                "netAmount": 0,
                "name": "Adult Ticket",
                "mandatory": false,
                "vatAmount": 0
            "eventTimeISO": "2022-11-04T12:00:00Z",
            "paymentRef": "N/A",
            "discountCode": "",
            "locationId": "1798",
            "price": "0",
            "eventTime": "Friday 4 November 2022 12:00",
            "eventName": "Tim's event",
            "paymentMethod": "Online",
            "userRole": "customer",
            "event": "Reporting Data",
            "status": "AUTHORISED"
        "fpos": [1, 1],
        "timestamp": 1667209527097

It records:

labelaWill always be "Booking v1"
labelbThe booking reference number for this booking
labelcWill always be "reporting"
createdThis will be the time the booking was made
eventIdThe article ID of the event
instanceReferenceThe business key of the event instance
packagesInformation about the packages that were purchased
ticketsThe ticket's that were purchased including the quantity and price
eventTimeISOThe date and time the event is scheduled to take place
locationIdThe article ID of the event's location. This may match the eventId
paymentMethodEither "Online" or "Cash"
Last modified on April 04, 2023

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