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Standard Bookings Articles and User Groups

A standard Bookings installation includes the following site user groups and articles.

User Groups

The Bookings workflow models use the following groups as candidates. You'll need to add users, or user groups, to these groups so that they can use the Bookings product.

User GroupProcess ModelPurpose
BOOKANDPAYADMINThingInstance v1Users who are members of this group are able to create and schedule event occurrences. These users can also see the "Add date" and "Manage" buttons on the Event template
BOOKANDPAYUSERBooking v1Users who are members of this group are able to book places on events using the TAKEBOOKING form. It is assumed that all registered website users and the anonymous user will be made members of this group

Standard Articles

These articles are used to manage the product. You'll also need to have articles using the Event and Location templates, aswell as Self Service and/or User Requests.

ArticleRelated FormDescription
Event ManifestMANIFESTV1This form lets someone download information about bookings that have been made for an event. See Event Manifest for a full description.

The form gives access to user data, so should be secured to an appropriate staff group. You can restrict the events that can be searched for by relating event articles to the one the form is published on, so you could create multiple manifest articles, each for a different type of event, secured to different user groups
Booking ManagementSTAFFBOOKINGMANAGEMENTV1This form should be secured to staff members who manage user bookings. It allows the user to move and cancel bookings and see bookers' details. See Move, Update or Cancel Bookings
Update Event InstancesMULTIINSTANCEUPDATEV1This form should be secured to staff members who create and schedule bookings. It lets users search for an event and to change many of the settings for event occurrences (eg confirmation text, email templates, plugins). See Updating Occurrence Settings
Discount SchemesBOOKANDPAYMAINTAINDISCOUNTSCreate and manage discount codes for events. This form can also be used via and iCM Form App. See Discount Schemes
Create an OccurrenceCREATENEWTHINGINSTANCEV1This form should be published on a Forms Service article in a hidden area of your site and secured to the BOOKANDPAYADMIN user group. The article is then picked in your subsite configuration. This then enables the "Add date" button on the Event template
Manage Booking (anonymous)USERBOOKINGOVERVIEWV1This form should be published somewhere hidden on your site. It is only used by people who make bookings without being logged in. A link to the form/article can be sent out in booking confirmation emails. The article URL is added to the configuration as the anonymousUpdateUrl 

Bookings with Self Service and User Requests

User Requests normally forms part of your public My Account area. It's designed to display any processes started by the current user, so is ideal for someone to be able to track a booking they have made.

In the article extras pick the "Booking v1" process so your users can see their bookings:

Bookings in User Request Extras

Self Service is used to manage events and schedule their dates and times. If you are creating events via your website using the Contribute, pick the "Contribute article v1" workflow process in the article extras. If you are creating event articles in iCM and scheduling them using the "Add date" button, pick the "ThingInstance v1" process.

Last modified on 14 August 2023

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