Articles using the Event template display information about an event, including the dates and times of scheduled occurrences, price, location and a link to a booking form. These details are optional, as they may not be relevant to all events.

Page Title
The title of the article using the Event template appears at the top of the page.
Social Links
Icons, which act as links to Facebook, Twitter and the event's website, can optionally appear in the top right of the page. The URLs for these links are entered in the article's extras. The three fields are:
- Twitter URL. For example,
- Facebook URL. For example,
- Website URL. For example,
The images used for each link are provided by the website theme and are not content managed. If a URL is not entered in the article extras no link or image will appear.
Event Details
When the event is first viewed, the event details block at the top of the page displays information about the first scheduled time of the event for the day. These details include the date of the event, start and end times, the remaining tickets/places, the price, and the location. These details can be toggled on and off individually in the article extras. If another occurrence of the event is selected the event details block will display the details of that occurrence.
If an event has no scheduled dates or times the message "Currently there are no instances scheduled for this event" appears at the top of the page content. See the Scheduling Events and Creating Tickets article for more information.
Book, Manage and Add Date Buttons
The "Book" button can either take the user to a form or another website. Any form or URL can be linked to.
In the article extras use the "Booking Link" drop-down to choose what the button should do. The "Booking Form" field lists every form in the iCM forms designer (the standard form is called "Take booking details"). The "Booking URL" field lets you enter a URL.
If an event does not have a booking form or a booking URL selected in its article extras, this button will not appear.
The text of the button is taken from the "Booking text" field in the article extras. When an event is sold out, the button is disabled and the text changes to that set in the article extras "Sold out" text field. If viewing an event that took place in the past, the book button is disabled and displays the "Expired" text from the article extras.
The "Manage Event" button appears for the user who created the event or any user in the bookandpayadmin user group. It links to a form that can be used to update the event. See the Managing Individual Occurrences article.
The "Add Date" button links to a secure article selected in the subsite configuration. For the button to appear your user also needs to be in the bookings admin user group. See the Events Template Configuration article for more information.
Event Information
A text area that displays further information about the event. This text area can include a related image and inline content, as per the Default template.
Event Location
The event location is displayed on a map beneath the event information. Next to the map are the address and contact details of the location and buttons to "Get Directions" and "View on Google Maps" which take a user to Google's mapping services, with the location set as the map focus or target destination.
In most circumstances an event's location is not configured via the Event template. The location is set when an event occurrence is scheduled. The location's address, map and "Get Directions" and "View on Google Maps" buttons are set by the location article at which this event occurrence is taking place.
There may be some occasions when the Event template is used without the Location template, or without the need to schedule occurrences. In these instances an event can "fall-back" to the location details set in its own article extras. These details include a map, plus street, town, postcode and country fields.
The location set in an event occurrence will always take precedence over those entered in the event article extras.
Other Times
If the event is scheduled to repeat multiple times on the same day, all of those times are displayed in an event list at the bottom of the page. If there's only a single occurrence on a given day the "No occurrences text" from the article extras is displayed.
The title of this section cannot be content managed. It is always Other times on <Day> <Day of Month> <Month>.
Choosing to view a different time will reload the Event Template with the details of that time of the event at the top of the page. The original time will appear in the list of other times.
Other Dates
The "Next Date" and "Previous Date" buttons navigate through scheduled occurrences of an event if it repeats on multiple days. It's not possible to navigate back to days before today's date. When there are no further scheduled dates (either in the future or the past) the navigation buttons display the "No occurrences button text" from the article extras. When a new day loads the details of the first scheduled time on that date appear at the top of the page, with other times listed at the bottom.
Article Extras
Name | Type | Description |
SHOWAVAILABILITY | Drop-down | Yes to show the remaining/available places left at this event |
SHOWDATES | Drop-down | Yes to show the start and end dates and times of this event |
SHOWLOCATION | Drop-down | Yes to show the event location |
SHOWPRICES | Drop-down | Yes to show the event prices |
NOAVAILABILITY | Text | The text to display instead of the availability when fully booked. This appears on the event lists and book button |
EXPIRED | Text | The text to display on the book button if someone is viewing a past event |
BOOKING | Text | The text to display on the book button |
NOOCCURRENCESTEXT | Text | The text to display when there are no further times scheduled for the event |
NOOCCURRENCESLINKTEXT | Text | The text to display in the event list navigation buttons when the are no past/future scheduled dates |
BOOKINGREDIRECT | Drop-down | Select "Yes" to enter a URL, "No" to pick a form |
BOOKINGID | Drop-down | Sets the form that the book button will link to |
BOOKINGURL | Text | A URL for the booking button to link to. Links to external sites must include http:// or https:// |
Text | Link to location's Twitter page | |
Text | Link to location's Facebook page | |
URL | Text | Link to location's website |
LOCATION | Location Picker | Sets the Lat/Long of the location |
OPENING | WYSIWYG | Provides the opening hours of the location |
ADDRESS1/2/3 | Text | Address lines 1, 2 and 3 |
TOWN | Text | Town |
POSTCODE | Text | Postcode |
REGION | Text | County/region |
COUNTRY | Drop-down | Country selection |