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Events Template Configuration

End Point Configuration

Of the End Points supplied with the Event Product, only the BookAndPay.getConfig End Point needs to be edited.

The configuration options are: 

locationTemplateThe ID of the location template
eventTemplateThe ID of the event template
eventLocationIf true users will be able to select the location details held in the extra tab of their event article rather than an article using the Location template

All of the options for the full Bookings configuration are described in the Bookings Configuration End Point article.

Subsite Configuration

To allow logged-in website users to schedule new dates and times for an event, pick an appropriate secure article in the subsite configuration.

The article should use the Forms Service template to display the "CREATENEWTHINGINSTANCEV1" form. We recommend securing it to the bookandpayadmin user group, which should be "staff only".

Subsite Configuration

BOOKANDPAYADDINSTANCEIDiCM Asset Lookup - ArticleA Forms Service article that displays the New Event Instance form
Last modified on 25 January 2023

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