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Deleting Case Management Records

Case Management has its own integration with the Data Retention Manager to cater for the histories it records, data indexed for Case Search and to handle long running cases.

Scheduling Case Data Deletion

Creating and scheduling data retention policies for Case Management follows the same principles as other data types described in the main Policies for History Records and Process Instances article, that is:

  • Pick a case type from the first page of the DRM
  • Choose whether or not to use a global schedule
  • Enter a retention period
  • Choose whether to delete specific labelc values or the default set of labels (see below)

Deletion Processor

In the "processor" section, pick the goss.DataRetentionManager.dailySchedule.custom.caseManagement end point from the "Retention end point" drop-down.

This changes the default behaviour of the DRM so that the full scope of Case Management data is catered for.

History Records

Case Management writes a variety of history records when a case is raised. The full set of histories are described in the Case Management History Records reference article, but in summary, there are two different "labela" records for each case:

  • "Case Management v1" accompanies the workflow process and is what someone who raises a case will see in User Requests etc. It is always "labelc": null
  • "Case Management - caseType" is the "working" history for a case and has accompanying "labelc" histories for null, "email", "notes", "reporting" and "link"

Deletion Behaviour

When a retention schedule runs for Case Management, the following happens:

  • A check is made so that only data from closed cases is deleted (this is to prevent data being removed should you have very long-running cases)
  • The retention period is calculated from the date the case was closed (unlike the default behaviour which applies the retention period from the point the history record was created)
  • The terminated process instance for the case is also deleted when the retention period is reached (the DRM normally only deletes history records)
  • Solr records are updated when case data is deleted so orphaned records don't appear in the Case Search
  • If you don't specify a labelc, all history records for a case, excluding "labela": "Case Management - caseType", "labelc": "reporting" and "labela": "Case Management - caseType", "labelc": "link" are deleted
  • "labela": "Case Management - caseType", "labelc": "audit" record is written as per the default behaviour

Linked Cases

If you have Linked Cases, their data is treated entirely separately. A closed linked case will be deleted when the retention period is reached, even if it is linked to an open case. Similarly, two closed cases linked to each other will be deleted at different times, depending on when they were closed.

Last modified on 24 October 2024

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