This field uses DimpleJS (opens new window) to draw graphs from supplied data. The field will handle loading the external libraries. The remaining code must be supplied in the script property.
See the Graphs and Charts knowledge base article for working examples of this field.
Label | Description | Type Name |
Summary | A short description of what the field does, displayed in the forms designer to help identify it | SUMMARY |
Container Width | The width of the chart's container. You can enter an integer for a fixed width in pixels or any valid HTML size string. Entering a percentage sets the width relative to the container's parent <li> element - useful if you want to position two charts next to each other | CONTAINERWIDTH |
Width | The width of the chart. Either an integer for a fixed width in pixels or any valid HTML measure | WIDTH |
Height | The height of the chart. Either an integer for a fixed width in pixels or any valid HTML measure | HEIGHT |
Default | Default data value for the chart | DEFAULT |
Default Function | A JavaScript function that may be used to calculate the default field value This function is executed server-side when the field HTML is being generated and is useful for setting the default when the DEFAULT property is insufficient | DEFFUNC |
Script Functions | JavaScript to draw the graph and manipulate the data | CUSTOMFIELDFNS |
Handlers | Handlers called when the field is first displayed or its value changes | HANDLERS |
Mouse Events | Adds mouse interaction events to chart segments, bars or lines. Supports clicks and mouseMove. Modify the code to add more mouse events.helper.registerCustomFieldFn("FIELDNAME","chartEvents",function(chart){ | EVENTS |
Additional Styling Modifier | An optional CSS modifier for the field. See Common Field Properties for an example | ADDITIONALSTYLINGMODIFIER |
Documentation | Add documentation to your field to help explain any complex functionality to future users. You might include information on what the field does and how it relates to other fields on the form. Notes added here are only ever visible in the Forms Designer, they can be searched for, viewed and downloaded from the action panel. See Common Field Properties for an example | DOCUMENTATION |
Last modified on 8 July 2022