Creating Templates
HTML Template Body
HTML is the standard way to write templates. Your template is combined with placeholder tokens to construct the email.
The template body is returned when a request is made for an application, template, variation and language. The body can include Handlebars expressions which will be expanded when your template is used.
Allowed elements:
html body span div a p br ol ,ul ,li blockquote hr table ,thead ,tbody ,tr ,th ,td caption h1 ,h2 ,h3 ,h4 ,h5 ,h6
Allowed attributes:
style id href colspan rowspan
If you are using Case Management you can add additional elements and attributes in your Environment Configuration (additionalAllowedElements and additionalAllowedAttributes).
The tokens that you can use in your templates depend upon the product you are creating a template for. These are documented in the relevant product areas, for example Bookings message templates and Case Management message templates.