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Site Users

Your website users will generally be created by people filling out your website Registration form. They might also be created automatically if your website uses third party login providers like Facebook, Google, or your corporate ADFS.

To manually create or edit a website user select "Site Groups/Users" from the Management section of iCM. The ability to create or edit site users is controlled by an iCM user's Management Privileges.

Data Protection
Site users contain personally identifiable information and personal data. You should carefully consider which of your users have access, perhaps only assigning access for a limited time period when a specific task needs to be carried out.

To create a new user right-click the USERS folder, or the group you would like to create a new user in, and click "Create a user" from the context menu. To edit an existing user, double-click on them.


The first tab of the site user editor sets up the account user for this person.

UsernameThe unique username that identifies this user account. This is not the username used to log in with, see Login Settings below.

This will either be the username entered when manually creating a user from within iCM, a unique ID returned from a third party provider, or an identifier randomly generated by the Authentication worker during the site's user registration process.

Once set, a username cannot be changed
User DescriptionA description of this user
Accept MailingsIf checked this user will receive mailings sent out by iCM Bulk Mail
DisabledThis box will be checked if the user is disabled. Disabled users cannot log into the site. They appear in the explorer tree with a red circle over them.

As well as manually enabling/disabling users, a method exists in the iCM API which could be used to disable users. Whether a user is disabled or not is also indexed by the iCM search


This tab lists the groups the user is a member of. Use the "Select" button to add the user to groups. Highlight a group and click "Remove" to remove them.

If you press the select button you'll see a list of all of the groups in iCM. Current groups this user is a member of are highlighted. Double-clicking on groups in this list is a quick way to add or remove the user from them. There's also a search control.

User Profile

The site user profile will vary depending upon the user profile form your site is using. The form used here is set in the User Settings section of iCM Management. User profiles are defined by an underlying userprofile object. Two forms point at this object (ie use it as their external type) one is used to display profiles in iCM, another to display user profiles on your website.

A user profile will typically contain the user's name, preferred name, address and email address, although they can be freely expanded to include whatever information is relevant for your site.

User profiles are generally populated as part of the user registration process implemented on your site, or when someone logs in using an external provider. If you need to create a profile manually, first uncheck the "Do not create a user profile" checkbox.


Subscriptions are not a standard feature of iCM sites and are currently being redeveloped. For the majority of websites this tab serves no purpose.

Login Settings

Login Users

A single website user account can have multiple logins associated with it.

For example, a user may register directly with your site and log in with their new iCM Site User login one day, then choose to log in with Facebook the next, and Google the day after that. Users may be prompted to associate new logins with their existing account (based on a common email address) to avoid creating duplicate users. There's more information about linking accounts and login in the Linking Providers, Account and Profile Management section of the Authentication worker documentation.

The list of user logins displays the username used to log in with, the provider type, and the date and time of the last successful login.

You can view information about a login by selecting it from the list and pressing "View". Login user accounts can also be deleted.

Create an iCM Site User Login

If you are manually creating a website user, and the user doesn't already have an iCM Site User login, check the "Create iCM Site User login" checkbox. Enter a username and password and give these details to the user who needs to log in. Remember to add the correct subsite zone to the user too.

The password you create must meet the password complexity rules set in the User Settings section of iCM Management. 

It is not possible to manually reset a login password, or unlock a locked user, from within iCM. If you do need to reset a password, delete the login and recreate it with the same username. This works because all user records in the platform are stored against the account user, not the individual login.

Subsite Zones

To manage a user's zones, you'll need to be logged in via the iCM enterprise URL.

Users can log into the subsites in the zones listed here. Login usernames within a subsite zone must be unique. It's not possible to give a user access to a zone if another user already exists in that zone that has the same login user username.

When a user registers with a subsite, or successfully logs in using a third party provider, they are automatically given access to the zone the subsite is in.

Deleting Users

To delete a user, right-click on the user and choose "Delete this user". Before proceeding with the deletion, iCM checks whether this username is referenced in any history items or workflow process instances (either active or historic). If the user is found, iCM displays a warning.

User Delete Warning

In general we recommend disabling users rather than deleting them. Deleting a user doesn't modify the history record in any way.

Last modified on 6 February 2025

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