Building a New Website
Additional Configuration
Now that you have some basic articles in place, you can finish configuring your site.
Return to the subsite section of iCM, double click on your new subsite, and open the configuration tab.
This article just covers the basics. For a full description of all of the settings, see Subsite Configuration - Framework Features
Look and Feel
Perhaps the most important consideration in this section is to pick the theme your site should use.
We have developed five highly configurable themes which give a wide range of layout and menu options:
You should also pick the logo your site will use (this is usually output in the site header, but might also be in the footer, depending on your theme).
In this section pick the articles created in the Content guide. You should have articles for:
- The home page
- Login (this is optional)
- Search
- Cookie policy
- Error pages. It's possible to use the same article for all three error pages (and we often do for "not found" and "resource gone")
This section lets you customise your site with JavaScript and CSS, and control metadata and SEO behaviour. Three important settings are:
- Default from address - the email that will be used as the from address for emails that appear to come from the site. Any address will need to be verified, see Verifying Sender Email Addresses
- Public user (in the Security section) - every installation has an anonymous user (usually called ANONYMOUS). Pick that user here. There's a "note on the anonymous user" in the Securing Content article
- Robots.txt (in the Metadata and SEO section) - the default behaviour if nothing is entered here is to disallow all crawlers
Theme Settings
This section will vary depending on the theme you have picked. Most themes let you pick top and bottom utility articles, additional logos and icons, and configure menus.