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helper.utilListToArray(list [, allowBlanks])

Converts a comma separated list of values in a string to a JavaScript array.


A function used to dynamically load a css file.

helper.utilLoadScript(fileName, cb)

A function used to dynamically load a third party JavaScript file.

helper.utilLoadScripts(scripts, cb)

A function used to dynamically load multiple third party JavaScript libraries.

helper.utilMakeReadOnlyField(fieldID, readOnly)

Low level jQuery wrapper for making a field read only.

helper.utilQueryActionExecuteSkeleton(fieldName, contextVariables)

Returns the name of the execution skeleton from the action defined by the specified field in the supplied context variable.

helper.utilQueryActionProperties(fieldName, contextVariables)

Returns an array of objects that contains of the name and value for all action properties defined by the specified field in the supplied context variables.


Returns an array of objects that contain the field and action names of all actions defined in the supplied context variables.

helper.utilRefreshSelectOptions(inputID, optionData)

Updates the defined field with the supplied option data.

helper.utilRemoveAction(fieldName, contextVariables)

Removes any actions from the supplied context that were added by the specified field.

helper.utilRemoveActionExecuteSkeleton(fieldName, contextVariables)

Removes the action execution skeleton from the action defined by the specified field in the supplied context variable.

helper.utilRemoveActionProperty(fieldName, propName, contextVariables)

Removes any action property matching the supplied name from the action created by the specified field in the context variable.


Removes all actions from the supplied context.

helper.utilServerAPIServerCall(worker, methodName, params, advanced)

Makes server-side calls to an API Server worker and parses the response.

helper.utilSetActionExecuteSkeleton(actionObject, skelName)

Set the name of the skeleton that needs to be executed to perform an action to the supplied action object.

helper.utilSetActionFailure(contextVariables, fieldName, message)

An internal function used to set the ACTIONFAILED_ context variable.

helper.utilSetActionResults(contextVariables, fieldName, actionName, results)

An internal function used to set the ACTIONRESULT_ context variable.

helper.utilSetCheckedInputValue(inputID, valArray)

Low level jQuery wrapper for setting the checked state of one or more elements that support the checked attribute.

helper.utilSetInputValue(inputID, value)

A low level jQuery wrapper for set the value of an HTML input element.

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