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Assisted Service

Assisted Service is used by staff to log enquiries on behalf of members of the public.

So that assisting and completing the form are as seamless as possible, staff need to use the "Raise an Enquiry" link in the "Useful Pages" section, not the main "Enquire Now" button used by members of the public.

The articles have the following structure:

Assisted Enquiry Articles

ArticleDescriptionTemplateRelated Content
Raise an enquiryThis is the article link in the "Useful pages" section. It is related to the main hub page. It redirects, starts assisting, and launches the enquiry formRedirectA related external link where: The link is to the assisted service article below this one in the tree with the following parameters:
  • assist= The ID of the subsite's anonymous user (set in the subsite config)
  • shortcut= The ID of the "Staff: Raise an enquiry" article below. This article is also a shortcut in the article extras of the Assisted Service article

For example:

AssistAn assisted service article. Assisting the anonymous user should be allowed, and a single shortcut article should link to the Forms Service article (Staff: Raise an enquiry) directly below this oneAssisted ServiceNone
Staff: Raise an enquiryThis article is added as a shortcut to the Assisted Service article and its ID a parameter on the external link aboveForms ServiceThe fostering hub application form

Anonymous User

Normally a single anonymous user, called "anonymous", is used across subsites. To give a better experience (and so the name makes sense in the assisting banner), create a second anonymous used called "fostering enquirer", and set that as the anonymous user for the fostering subsite. That will result in:

Assist Banner

Last modified on 29 May 2024

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