Writing Bookings Plugins
Management Forms
Plugin data can be seen and, optionally, updated by bookers and event organisers.
These two features are optional and require slightly more advanced knowledge of how the platform works to implement.
Booking Management Form
Once a user has made their booking, they can track it via the User Requests template - see Self Service and User Requests Integration.
If you want to let users see or update the extra information they submitted via your plugin, you'll need to do the following.
Enter the name of a form as the value of the
This button will link to your form.
Your management form could use the same form as the pre-payment plugin - this would let users update the information they supplied. Alternatively you could build a read-only version of the form, if details shouldn't be updated. You could use a completely different form, and display values from the original form by including form fields with the same names as those in the original form.
The form must include a submit button and complete task action, which will return to the Booking Details view.
Event Management Form
This form is used by event organisers. It enables the "View additional information" button on the first page of the Occurrence Management form when you are Managing Individual Occurrences. The button will appear if there's a value for
Occurrence Details End Point
To retrieve plugin data, your form will need to call the
This end point returns information about the people booked onto an event, including the data entered into your plugin form. The end point has the following parameters:
You must list the variables you want to return. For example:
"variableList": ["form_NAME", "form_REGISTRATION", "form_MAKE", "form_MODEL"],
"occurrenceBk": "3320-9294-9451-6007"
"result": {
"count": 2,
"list": [{
"startUserId": "anonymous",
"startTime": "2020-09-22T10:19:20Z",
"id": "25916372",
"businessKey": "8562-7889-1514-4958",
"processDefinitionName": "Booking v1",
"processVariables": {
"form_MAKE": "Nissan",
"form_MODEL": "Micra",
"form_NAME": "George"
"endTime": null,
"processDefinitionId": "bookingv1:99:25915523"
}, {
"startUserId": "anonymous",
"startTime": "2020-09-22T10:18:43Z",
"id": "25916177",
"businessKey": "0405-3793-1256-6724",
"processDefinitionName": "Booking v1",
"processVariables": {
"form_MAKE": "Mini",
"form_MODEL": "Cooper",
"form_NAME": "Tom"
"endTime": null,
"processDefinitionId": "bookingv1:99:25915523"
- startUserId - the user who made the booking (anonymous of not logged in)
- startTime - the time the booking was made
- businessKey - the business key of the booking
- processDefinitionName/Id - the name and ID of the booking process
- processVariables - the variables requested (ie the data captured in the plugin form)
Example Form
This example displays the information captured by the plugin form in a table.
The form design includes an HTML template field (to display the data), a submit button (labelled "Close") and a complete task action to return you to the Occurrence Management form.
The template field calls the getOccurrenceBookersDetails End Point via the Manipulation Function. Note the use of helper.getSiteVariable('PROCESSBUSINESSKEY'); to get the business key of the event we are managing:
And displays the result using a Handlebars template:
<table style="width:100%">
{{#each list}}