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Extra Configuration and Related Content

Some template types require extra configuration, or to have additional content related to them. How this content and extra configuration behaves is described in the documentation for the template your article is using.

Most templates will display related items in panels somewhere on the article, often in the right hand column. Related images will appear in a fixed place, often next to the first paragraph of text.

Article Extras

The options on the "Extra" tab will change depending upon the template your article is using. For example, the article extras of the Authentication Template let you choose which login options the article will display; the extras of the List Template which items will appear in the list.

Related Content

The "Related Content" section lets you add other iCM content to your article. How this content is displayed will depend upon the template your article is using.

The section has two panels. The left hand lets you find content, the right hand is the content currently related to the article.


The "Browse" tab of the related content section lets you browse through menus of iCM content. You'll be able to see all of the Articles, Features, Forms, Forums, Links, Media, Metadata and Polls your user has access to.


The "Search" tab of the related content section lets you search for content, either by ID or keyword. Search results are displayed in groups, and if you carry out a new search, iCM will keep the results of your previous search.

iCM is also able to use Bing or Google to provide search for media and links and import them into iCM. See Enabling the External Content Search for more information.


The "Suggested" tab of the related content section supplies automated search results based on the text and other related content of the article. Click the Suggest button to display a new set of suggestions. Adjust the precision buttons to find items whose content is more or less closely associated.

Adding Related Content

Once you have found your content in the left hand panel, there are various ways it can be related to the current article:

  • right-click the item and select "Add" from the menu
  • highlight the item and click the "Add" button between the panels
  • drag and drop the item from the left to the right panel
  • double-click the item

Creating Content

It's also possible to create some library content from this section of the article editor. For example, if you click on a media group in the left hand panel, you'll see similar controls to those you have when working in the media library directly.

Last modified on March 06, 2020

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