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Registering a Birth

The birth registration booking form allows a user to register up to three births, choose whether or not to make a birth declaration (for births in other authorities), provide details of who is attending the appointment, collects information on the marital status of the parents, their names and addresses and whether or not the father is to appear on the certificate, and state whether or not an interpreter will be attending. As with the standard booking forms the user can then pick an available time slot and make their booking.

Birth Details

The first page of the form collects information about the births. The user first selects whether or not the births were within the area covered by this registry office. If not they are able to register the birth by declaration, which will be highlighted to the registry office in the appointment.

Up to three births can be registered in one appointment. The appointment duration will increase with the number of births to register - the length of time is configurable and set per baby. For each birth the user must enter the date of birth and can optionally enter the name of each baby.


The second page of the form collects information about the person making the the appointment, which can be the mother, the father or someone else. Various prompts and validation ensure that either an email address or phone number is collected. The user must then select whether the parents were married or in a civil partnership when the baby was born, this determines the logic used for who must attend:

  • Either the mother or father must attend the appointment
  • If married or in a civil partnership either parent can attend the appointment alone
  • If not married or in a civil partnership the mother must attend. If the father is to be named on the certificate, he must also attend

If an interpreter is attending (provided and arranged by the parents) extra time, set in the configuration options, will automatically be added to the appointment.

Parents Details

The fields on this page will vary depending on the options set on the attendance page. The mother's details will always be needed and the father's can be entered if he is attending, or if the parents were married. The available fields will be pre-populated using the mother's or father's details if they were entered on the attendance page.

Tell Us Once

If the parents would like to use the "Tell us Once" service, they can make that choice on this page.

Selecting an Appointment

Based upon the configured times for the number of births and interpreter all users are given the duration of their appointment on this page.

Appointments booked by staff users via the slot booking calendar display the selected calendar, date and time slot at the top of this page. Beneath these details is a list of the next immediately available appointments.

Members of the public using the booking forms will see a list of the next five available appointments, with the option to show more dates. Selecting another date loads all of the available time slots on that day. Logic in the booking configuration determines the minimum and maximum days since the birth that appointments will be offered. This defaults to zero days since the birth (ie you can register on the same day) and a maximum of forty-two.

Check Your Answers

The final page of the form lets the user check all of their answers and jump back to any page that needs editing.

When this page is submitted the appointment is booked and notification emails are sent.


The text of the booking form is set using the Template Manager. In the Registrars application you'll find templates for each of the appointment types. For birth registration the following can be set.

Messages and Warnings

AmendWarning and AmendWarning-CSUA warning displayed when a non-registrar user amends a booked appointment
CancelThe email sent to the citizen when an appointment is cancelled
CancelAmend, CancelAmend-CSU/Citizen/RegistrarThe text displayed to various users when they cancel making amendments part way through
ConfirmMessage, ConfirmMessage-CSU/Citizen/RegistrarThe message displayed when an appointment has been booked
ConfirmingMessageThe placeholder text while Registrars is working
CreateThe email sent to the citizen when an appointment is booked
ReminderThe email sent to the citizen when an appointment is approaching
UpdatedMessageThe message displayed when an update is made
UpdatingMessageThe placeholder text while Registrars is working

Guidance Text

BabyBornIn/CSUText displayed if the baby was born outside of the area (ie explaining they can make a declaration)
NoDeclarationOfBirth/CSUText displayed if the baby was born outside of the area and the user doesn't want to make a declaration
ParentMarriedOther/CSUText displayed if someone other than the parents is booking the appointment but doesn't sate that one of the parents is coming
ParentNotMarriedOther/CSUText displayed if the parents are not married or in a civil partnership and options are chosen that indicate the mother is not coming
Last modified on March 16, 2023

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