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Case Type - Member Enquiries

Raising Cases


The first page of the form behaves differently, depending on who is raising the case. The form is able to calculate who is raising the enquiry by comparing the details of the current user to those of the councillors found in "lookups" (see Councillor Details).

If a councillor is raising the case themselves their details will be displayed on the first page of the form.

ME Councillor Details

If the case is being raised by someone other than a registered councillor, the user will have to enter their details then pick a councillor from the drop-down field.

ME Pick a Councillor

The type enquiry will be one of the subjects defined in the Member Enquiries Configuration. This configuration directs different types of enquiry to different case manager user groups.

A case can also be assigned a priority, which is visible to the case manager when they view the case details.


The constituent details are optional. They let the person raising the case enter the constituent's name and address.


Member Enquiries have three privacy options which restrict who can see information about the case in the dashboards.

  1. Do not share - Only the councillor can view this case on the dashboard
  2. Share with members in my ward - Any member assigned to your ward can view this case on the dashboard
  3. Share with members of my party in my ward - Only members who share both your party and ward can view this case on the dashboard
Last modified on 22 March 2023

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