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Returns information about a repeating page.

Defaults to the current page if a page name isn't set.


Client-side and server-side.


pageNameString, optionalThe name of the repeating page to return information about. Defaults to the page the function is used on if not set


Returns null for non-repeating pages.

Object. Information about the repeating page.

    "canNavigateBackwards": true,
    "canNavigateForwards": false,
    "pageInstanceCount": 2,
    "isPageInstanceCountValidated": true,
    "canAddMoreInstances": true,
    "canRemoveInstances": true,
    "willSkipNavigation": false,
    "willAddMoreInstances": false

canNavigateBackwardsBooleanWill be true if there is a page instance you can navigate back to
canNavigateForwardsBooleanWill be true if there are instances after the current instance (eg the user has navigated backwards through the instances)
pageInstanceCountIntegerThe count of instances
isPageInstanceCountValidatedBooleanWhether or not the number of instances should be validated
canAddMoreInstancesBooleanWill be true if the current count is less than the maximum instance count (set in the forms designer) or less than 100 (the platform-wide maximum)
canRemoveInstancesBooleanWill be true if the current count is greater than the minimum instance count (set in the forms designer) or zero
willSkipNavigationBooleanWill be true if both the minimum and maximum instances are set as zero and the count is being validated. The page will be skipped
willAddMoreInstancesBooleanWill be true if both the minimum and maximum instances are the same and the count is being validated. New instances will be automatically generated until the requited number is met
Last modified on November 16, 2023

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