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Other Privileges

HTML Editor

As well as these privileges, the article editor can also be customised for all users. See Text Editor Configuration for more information.

TablesUsers without this privilege will not be able to add or edit tables in article body text
StylesUsers without this privilege will not have access to the styles drop-down in the editor toolbar
LinksUsers without this privilege will not be able to embed links or anchors into the body text. They will still be able to add external links using the external link inline option (if enabled)
HTML SourceUsers without this privilege will not be able to edit the HTML source of an article
InlinesUsers without this privilege will not be able to add any inlines to an article. Note, this privilege enables the "Article inline type" content root
Disable Heading Accessibility CheckDisables iCM's automatic check for the correct nesting of headings
Disable Table Accessibility CheckDisables iCM's automatic check for table accessibility

Spellcheck Autocheck Enforced

This privilege automatically launches the spellchecker when a user submits an article.


This privilege will put iCM into diagnostics mode for the user or group. This privilege should not normally be assigned to a group, and should only be assigned to a user while they are fault finding.

While running in this mode:

  • any error messages that are generated for the specified user/group will have diagnostic information included
  • the WYSIWYG Editor's diagnostic menu is activated
  • un-compressed versions of JavaScript libraries are used to enable tracing of error statements
  • the settings held in the application.cfm file can be seen and exported from the iCM Settings area

Diagnostic mode increases the load on iCM while it's enabled, so should only be used while actually fault finding.

Change Client Logo

This privilege will allow the logo in the top-right of iCM to be changed. It does not relate to the logo displayed on the front-end website.

Access API Server Console

Allows users to access the API Server Console. Note that you also need the iCM Servers privilege in System Configuration Privileges before you can access the link to the console.

Last modified on 21 July 2021

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