Handling Enquiries
Check-in 1 and Check-in 2
Once the EOI has been referred, you can make contact with the enquirer to check how things are progressing. These check-ins are logged in the system as Check in 1 and Check in 2.
Check-ins are logged using the Additional tab, in the same was as the initial contact. Open the tab, and press the "Add additional details" button:
Next pick "Check in 1" or "Check in 2".
You can record:
- Whether the check-in call was successful
- The date the check -in was attempted (if unsuccessful)
- The date the next call is scheduled for (if unsuccessful)
- The date of contact (if successful)
- The outcome of the successful check-in
There are three possible outcomes of a successful check-in:
- Progressing
- On hold
- Withdrawn
SLAs after Check-in
If check-in 2 is complete, the SLA is cleared.
If check-in 1 is complete, the SLA is set to ten weeks in the future (50 working days).
If the check-in wasn't successful, the SLA is set to the next scheduled call date entered into the form.
Stages after Check-in
When each check-in is complete, the stage changes to "Check in 1" or "Check in 2" as appropriate.
Status after Check-in
When each check-in is complete, the status changes to "Check in 1 complete" or "Check in 2 complete" as appropriate.