Creating Events via your Website
Additional Occurrences
To add repeats of the occurrence that has been created check the checkbox for "Add additional occurrences?"
Once this checkbox has been selected more options will appear. These options are:
- From - This option lets you choose the 2nd occurrence
- To - This option lets you choose how long the additional occurrences should last until
- Frequency - This is a drop down which lets you choose Daily, Weekly or Monthly. The options below this drop down will change depending on what is selected in this drop down.
- "Daily Options" contains a drop down to choose whether the event should be replicated Every day, Week days, or Week ends. Once chosen, selecting "Add to List" will populate with every day, week day or weekend between the "From" date until the "To" date.
- "Weekly Options" contains check boxes for each day of the week. Once you have chosen which days of the week you want, selecting "Add to List" will populate with every day of the week selected between the "From" date until the "To" date.
- "Monthly Options" contains a drop down for "Either" which contains "Day of the Week" and "Day of the Month".
- Selecting "Day of the Week" provides a checkbox for "Every" which contains "First", "Second", "Third" & "Fourth'" Underneath this are check boxes for each day of the week. So choosing "First" and selecting Monday and Tuesday will create the event for every first Monday and Tuesday of each month between the From date until the To date.
- Selecting "Day of the Month" provides a drop down with every day of the month (from 1st - 31st), selecting "Add to List" will add the dates. Choosing the 4th, will create an occurrence for every 4th of the month between the From date until the To date. More days can be added by choosing another day and selecting Add to List.
- Selecting "Day of the Week" provides a checkbox for "Every" which contains "First", "Second", "Third" & "Fourth'" Underneath this are check boxes for each day of the week. So choosing "First" and selecting Monday and Tuesday will create the event for every first Monday and Tuesday of each month between the From date until the To date.
Last modified on 29 November 2021