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SLAs and Working Hours

Manage the service level agreement and reminders for this case type.

Note that updating the SLA Target will only apply to new cases. Existing "in progress" cases will continue to use the SLA that was set when they were raised. Other settings, like the ability for staff to extend the SLA, will apply to existing and new cases.


SLA TargetSet when creating the configurationThe target SLA that will start counting down as soon as a new case is raised. Select either days or hours and enter a whole number. Enter 0 to not set an SLA
SLA ReminderSet when creating the configurationThe days/hours prior to the SLA expiring that a reminder email will be sent. See SLAs and Escalations for more information about who gets sent what. Enter 0 to not send reminders
Staff Set SLASet when creating the configurationIf an SLA isn't set automatically, whether or not the case manager can set one manually
Staff Extend SLASet when creating the configurationIf Yes the case manager will be able to extend the SLA
Can staff resume a paused SLASet when creating the configurationIf Yes the case manager will be able to resume a paused SLA
Working DaysSet when creating the configurationYes - Weekends and bank holidays are excluded from the SLA calculations. Working days are set in the getWorkingConfig end point, which is set up when Case Management is first installed
No - All calendar days count towards the SLA target

These settings will also be used by any tasks raised as part of this case type and when cases appear in dashboards
Pause SLANoYes - The SLA will be paused while waiting for the user who raised the case to respond to questions via the Contact action

Working Days and Bank Holidays

Working days are set in the end point found at goss.CaseManagement.v1.system.getWorkingConfig:1.0. Make sure you only edit version 1.0 of the end point - the dates you set here are merged with the public holidays calculated in the other end points in this namespace to form a complete list.

You can set:

  • publicHolidays - The full list of public holidays in England and Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland is retrieved from Additional dates can be added here as needed, in the format "YYYY-MM-DD". For example, to add two days to the Scotland list, include:

    "publicHolidays": {
        "ukEngland": [],
        "ukScotland": ["2024-05-14","2024-06-24"],
        "ukNorthernIreland": []

  • unobservedPublicHolidays - You can also exclude dates from the full government list by adding them to this object. It's possible to exclude specific dates:

    "unobservedPublicHolidays": {
        "ukEngland": {
            "dates": ["2023-12-25"],
            "names": []
        "ukScotland": {
            "dates": [],
            "names": []
        "ukNorthernIreland": {
            "dates": [],
            "names": []

    You can also exclude all holidays with a certain name. So if you are based in Northern Ireland and want to set every Christmas Day as a working day:

    "unobservedPublicHolidays": {
        "ukEngland": {
            "dates": [],
            "names": []
        "ukScotland": {
            "dates": [],
            "names": []
        "ukNorthernIreland": {
            "dates": [],
            "names": ["Christmas Day"]

    Note that to exclude holidays by name, the name you enter must match exactly what is returned from the bank holiday list. We have found some inconsistencies in naming, such as "Early May bank holiday" and "Early May bank holiday (VE day)" - in this instance you should include the name of each.

    In all of the lists above, holidays for Wales should be added to the ukEngland sections
  • workingHours - Set your office hours if you only want them to count in your SLAs. The allDay times should not be changed. Adjust the office start and end times to suit. Times are in the format "hh:mm":

    "workingHours": {
        "office": {
            "start": "09:00",
            "end": "17:30"
        "allDay": {
            "start": "00:00",
            "end": "24:00"


Once you have entered the dates and times, set the scheme you'd like to use:

"schemes": { // 
    "standard": { // Default for the organisation
        "publicHolidays": "ukEngland", // One of "ukEngland", "ukScotland" or "ukNorthernIreland"
        "workingWeek": "monFri",
        "workingHours": "office",
        "displayText": {
            "en": "working days",
            "cy": "diwrnodau gwaith"
    "calendar": { // Default to calendar days when none selected
        "displayText": {
            "en": "calendar days",
            "cy": "diwrnodau calendr"

Last modified on February 19, 2024

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