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Scheduling, Reviewing and Archiving Articles

The article schedule tab lets you turn articles on and off, schedule when changes appear, set review and update reminders and archive the article at a certain time.

Hide an Article

You can remove an article from your site without deleting it.

  1. Open the "Schedule" tab
  2. Set the "Display" option to "No"

The article won't be available on your site and won't appear in search results.

Schedule an Article to Go Live

A brand new article can be set to appear on your site in the future.

  1. Open the "Schedule" tab
  2. Set the "Display Start" date to a future date and time
  3. "Submit" the article. The article will remain hidden from your site
  4. The article icon will appear greyed-out until the start time is reached. When the start time is reached the article will go-live and behave like any other

Set Changes to Appear in the Future

Updates to existing articles can also be set to appear in the future

  1. Open the "Schedule" tab
  2. Set the "Display Start" date to a future date and time
  3. Use the "Changes appear" option to select "At scheduled start time"
  4. "Submit" the article
  5. A copy of the article with a calendar icon will appear in the tree, which will replace the live article at the scheduled time

Set up Reminders to Review an Article

These options are used in conjunction with the iCM Content Settings. Update reminders are first sent to article owners, but will be escalated to other iCM users after a set time. The Stale Article Check scheduled task will also need to be running.

  1. Open the "Schedule" tab
  2. Set the "Update due" to "Regularly" or "Once"
  3. Set the date or frequency of the update
  4. Include notes that will remind you off what needs to be updated
  5. "Submit" the article

Archiving an Article

Archiving an article moves it from one area of your site to another on a certain date and time. The Article Archive Check scheduled task will also need to be running.

  1. Open the "Schedule" tab
  2. Check the "Archivable" box
  3. Enter the date and time on which the article should be archived
  4. Select the parent beneath which the article should be moved
  5. "Submit" the article
Last modified on 10 January 2022

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