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Approving Articles

If you are an approver, the iCM and articles home pages will list any articles awaiting your approval.

Double-click, or right-click on the article approval task and choose "Take action", to see a list of any articles that can be approved. 

The list is ordered by priority. Right-click on an article to see a list of options.

View or Edit Approval Information

The content owner, iCM users who have the "View Non-Live" privilege, and approvers may view the progress and history of an article that has been submitted for approval. Right-click the awaiting approval article and select "View approval information".

iCM users who are able to approve an article may also edit this approval information by selecting "Edit approval information". This enables approvers to change the priority of the approval or to add notes to it.

Configuring Email Notifications

Email notifications are configured in your iCM user's Personal Settings and Shortcuts. You can also turn notifications on or off from the action panel in the article approval section of iCM.

Technical administrators may modify the text used for the mailings sent out by iCM, following the instructions held in [root]/icm/custom/mailtext/readme.txt file.

Adding an Approver

Additional iCM Users or groups can be inserted into an existing approval process. See Insert Additional Approvers for more information.

Previewing the Article

The preview article option allows the submitted article to be viewed as if it were a page on the website. 

Editing the Article

The edit article option is often used to allow the approver to make minor changes, save the article then approve the article. 

Note, the approver will require sufficient iCM privileges to be able to edit articles.

Taking over Responsibility of the Article

When editing an article that is within an approval chain, an approver (or a user with the "Publish Immediate" iCM privilege) can choose to "Take over responsibility and save as work in progress".  The article will be moved into their "Work in Progress Articles" task list, allowing them to submit the article in their own name and bypass any further approval requirements. The article owner will be sent an email to notify them that the approver has taken responsibility for the changes to the article.

To maintain the audit trail for this approval, a note to indicate that the approver took ownership of the article is added to the approval information and the '"waiting Approval Article" task is removed from any other users that this task had been assigned to. 

Deleting an Article

The delete article option allows the article awaiting approval to be removed from iCM. Note that this deletes the approval request, not the original article (if the request was an update or delete of an existing article).

If an approver deletes an approval for a brand new article, the article awaiting approval will be removed from iCM. As the article will never have existed, this deletion is permanent and version history can not be used to restore the item.

Viewing Differences

The view differences option allows approvers to see the differences between the current version of an article and the suggested changes. 

Approving the Creation/Modification/Deletion of an Article

The approve option allows the article to be created, modified or deleted. The approver can add notes that will be attached to the approval process for this article and included in the email if notifications have been set up.

Rejecting the Creation/Modification/Deletion of an Article

The reject option returns the request to the user who submitted it. The user can make further changes and resubmit the article for approval. The approver can add notes that will be attached to the approval process for this article and included in the email if notifications have been set up.

Cancelling the Creation/Modification/Deletion/ of an Article

The cancel option will remove the approval request from iCM. The approver can add notes that will be attached to the approval process for this article and included in the email if notifications have been set up.

Last modified on 6 March 2020

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