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Finding and Replacing

The text editor provides options to both search for text and replace text within text blocks.



This option searches for a word or phrase within the current text block.

The find tab includes a search field and a few options that let you refine the search.

Find whatThe text field where you enter the word or phrase that you want to find
Match caseChecking this option means that the search becomes case-sensitive
Match whole wordChecking this option limits the search operation to whole words. For example: When match whole word is checked and the search term is option, you will find all instances of option, but not the words optional or options
Match cyclicChecking this option means that after the editor reaches the end of the text, the search continues from the beginning of the text



This option allows a word or phrase to be replaced with an alternative word or phrase, within the current text block. To perform a replace, press the replace button in the editor's toolbar. The following dialogue will be displayed:

The "Replace" tab consists of a search field, a replace field and a few options that let you refine the operation.

Find whatThe text field where you enter the word or phrase that you want to find
Replace withThe word or phrase that will replace the search term
Match case, while word and cyclicThese have the same functions as the find options

You can also replace all occurrences of the search term in one go. To do that, press the "Replace all" button. The editor will then replace all occurrences and display a pop-up window with the result of the operation.

Last modified on 7 November 2023

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