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Selecting Content

The iCM Text Editor supports a few different ways of selecting content.

Selecting All of the Editor's Content

Select All

To select all the content, click inside the editor and press the "Select all" toolbar button. All content, including text, tables, etc, will become selected. Alternatively, you can also use the Ctrl+A keyboard shortcut to select all of the content. You can then apply whatever action you wish to the selected content.

Article text block - selecting all content

Selecting Part of the Editor's Content

To select a portion of the content, keeping the left mouse button pressed, drag your mouse over the content that you want to select. The selection process will finish, when you release the mouse button. The selected content will become highlighted. You can also select individual words by double-clicking them.

Article text block - selecting content

Note that a portion of content can also be selected with your keyboard:

  • Using Shift+Arrow lets you select the text by letters and the Ctrl+Shift+Arrow by words
  • The Shift+Home combination selects the text from the cursor to the start of the current line, while the Shift+End from the cursor to the end of the current line
  • The combination of Ctrl+Shift and the Home or End keys let you select the text from the cursor to the beginning or end of the content
  • The Shift+PgDn and Shift+PgUp shortcuts select a text fragment of approximately the length of the editing area starting from the cursor and going down and up the text

Selecting Individual Elements

The elements path displayed in the footer of the text editor can also be used to select content. To use this feature, click an element's name on the elements path with your mouse. You can also use the Alt+F11 keyboard shortcut to highlight the elements path, and then navigate between the elements with the Tab and Shift+Tab (or Left and Right Arrow) keys. To select an element with your keyboard, use the Enter or Space keys.

Article text block - selecting elements

The same effect can always be achieved by selecting the text directly in the editing area with your mouse or keyboard.

Last modified on 7 November 2023

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