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The Editor Toolbar

Some toolbar items are made available by iCM Prvileges. The editor, including all of the toolbar buttons and styles in the Styles drop-down can also be customised. See Text Editor Configuration for more information.

Cutting, Copying, Pasting

The text editor's cut, copy and paste operations.

Undoing and Redoing Changes

The text editor provides options to both undo and redo changes within text blocks.

Finding and Replacing

Find and replace options in the text editor.

Core Styles (Bold, Italic, Subscript, Superscript)

The text editor's bold, italic, subscript and superscript styles.

Quoting, Citing and Abbreviations

The various ways of adding quotations, citations and abbreviations using the text editor.

Numbered and Bulleted Lists

Creating ordered and unordered lists in the text editor.

Indenting Content

Indentation text in the text editor.

Adding Links, Emails and Anchors

Links and anchor operations provided by the text editor.

Adding Images, Documents and Content using iCM Inlines

It is possible to embed other library content, such as images, links and documents, within article text blocks using iCM inlines.


Using tables in your text.

Special Characters

Adding special characters to your article text.

Applying and Removing Styles

You can add headings and inlines styles into your text. The styles available are set in the editor configuration and your site's CSS.

Selecting Content

The text editor supports a few different ways of selecting content.

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