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Details, Status, Summary and Target SLAs

Case Information


The main view of Case Management provides a summary of the case and includes the case type, subtype, reference, status, case manager (ie the current staff user the case is assigned to), status, completion target and number of subscribers. If the case was raised via Assisted Service, the staff member who assisted the user is recorded in the "Initial assistance" field.

If a case has been reassigned the table will also display the reassignment reason.

Case Details


Cases can be configured to have Subtypes, which are a way for them to be categorised. This case type is used for allotment enquiries. It has a subtype of "Replacement Keys":

Case Subtype

Change Subtype

Press "Change subtype" to open a new drop-down with the subtypes that can be assigned:

Change Subtype

Pick the one you'd like to use.


Changing a subsite:

  • Adds a private note to the case history 


Case subtypes are defined in the Subtypes configuration.


Cases have three default statuses: "New", "Open" and "Closed". Additional "open" statuses can assigned while the case is being worked on.

Change Status

Press "Change status" to open a new drop-down with the possible statuses:

Change Status

Pick the one you'd like to use.


Changing a status:

  • Adds a public note to the case history
  • May send an email to the user if you have a "Status updated" template set up. This is not a standard template and needs to be created manually


Case statuses are defined in the Status configuration.


If other users, other than the person who raised the case, have subscribed to receive updates, a count of them will appear here.

Note that subscriptions are a feature that other products, like Report It, make use of. In normal use people cannot subscribe to existing cases. Subscribers are added via an API call into Case Management. In this release subscription notifications are limited to an email when the case closes.

Case Completion Targets - SLAs

In Case Management SLAs (Service Level Agreements) are known as completion targets.

Case SLA

Setting a Target

In your case configuration, you can set an SLA target, and whether calendar or working days are used. The target can be set in days or hours (but not both). The SLA starts counting down from the moment the case is raised.

If you configure a target of 0, no SLA will be set when the case is created.

If no SLA is set, the case configuration lets you choose whether or not the case manager can set it manually. If a target is set manually, it will be applied from the case creation date, not the date the target is set. It is not possible to manually set a target that would automatically result in a breached SLA.

Extending a Target

In the case configuration you can allow the case manager to manually extend a case's target.

If enabled, the "Extend case completion target" link displays a form that lets the user add a number of hours or days to the current SLA, or pick a new target date from a calendar.

Extend SLA

Using the calendar will set the SLA at 23:59 on the chosen day. It's not possible to pick a calendar date in the past.

The new SLA is calculated and displayed before saving.

Any notes added when extending a target will appear as a private note in the case history.

Pausing Targets

SLAs can be paused automatically when a case manager uses the Contact feature. The SLA will resume when all the questions have been responded to, or can be unpaused manually by the case manager if enabled in the case configuration.

Clearing Targets

SLAs can be completely cleared from a case using the clearSLA API call, or "clear SLA" Case Routines action.

Once cleared, the case manager could manually set the SLA (if enabled in the configuration) or a new SLA could be set using the appropriate API call or routine action.

Breached Targets

When a target is breached the case becomes escalated. An email is sent to the assigned case manager, or all eligible case managers if not assigned. A private note is added to the case history.


  • See SLAs and Working Hours for a description of the configuration options
  • The breached target email uses the "Case target breached - Case manager" template

Case Details

There are three ways that information can be displayed from the original case submission. These are set up in the Read Only section of the case configuration.

View Case details

Case Details

This button is the standard way to display case details. It uses the form that created the case to display the original submission and can use the form's "Custom read-only" template.

Case Details

To enable this button select the "read only template" option in the case configuration.

Case Highlights

The show/hide case highlights button displays select information from the case.

Case Highlights

When configuring your case type, enter the names of the form fields you'd like to display here. The configuration also lets you set your own labels. In the example above, the form used to raise the case had a field called SITE which was entered into the case read-only configuration.

Case highlights will also be displayed when creating tasks within a case.

View Case Form

This button provides the most customisable view of the case details. It uses a completely separate form, named in the case configuration, to display the original form submission.

There's more information about creating a custom form on the Read Only article.

Contact Details

This section displays the contact details submitted by the user who raised the case.

Citizen Details

Making Updates

Case managers and monitors (eg "Enquiry Groups" accessing the case via the search) can update the information in this section using the "Change" links.

All of the options work in the same way. Press "Change..." then enter a new value.


  • Updates may send an email to the case manager and user who raised the case
  • A public note is added to the case history showing the new and previous values


  • Emails use the "Contact details updated" email template
  • All users with access to the case are able to update these details, it's not configurable
Last modified on September 19, 2024

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